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A 3D Checkers Program

Assignment 2

Welcome to checkers help file

This document describes the 3D checkers Program. This Application is based on GTK2.0+, OpenGL and GtkGLExt.


Compile and execute the ImPrev program
Game Start and Over
Features of this checkers program
Incomplete parts/ Bugs of checkers


Compile and execute the checkers program



The pieces
Player start with 12 pieces on the board towards their side. All pieces in the beginning are checkers. There is only one other kind of piece in checkers, the king. A checker can change into a by reaching the row at the edge on the opponent's side.
The biggest advantage of a king is that it can move backwards and attack the checkers of the opponent from the back.

The board
Checkers is also known as Draughts. It is played on an eight x eight between two players. The board looks the same as the one for chess.

The moves
Checkers and kings can only move one square each time diagonally on the board except the capture. Checker has the restriction that it cannot move backwards. No piece can move into a square already occupied. White takes the first move in the game.

The captures
The aim of the game is to capture all of the opponent's pieces. The game can also be won by putting the opponent in a situation in which he can make no legal moves. Pieces are captured by crossing over the opponent's piece. This way the piece is called capture. It moves two squares instead of only one. Any number of captures can be made in the same move with the same piece. Captures are mandatory, that is, if a capture is possible, no walk moves (non-capture moves) can be made.


The detailed rules, please see the following website: or


Game Start and Over

Game Start: When the program starts, it already started a new game. When we want to restart a new game, we can select "new game" from the "game" menu. And the default chess for user is black in color and default chess for computer is white in color.

Game Over: When the either side of player win the game, the selection box will shows which side is and on the continue button, when user click on it, a new game will be restart.

Features of this checkers program

3D chess board display: There is a 3D chess board display on the upper part of program, it shows the position of the chess on the board.

When user use mouse press on the 3D chess board display, it can change the camera location

a.      Translation: Left mouse button: which can translate the camera location by holding the button and moving up and down(translate the y axis), left and right (translate the x axis).

b.      Rotation: Middle mouse button: which can rotate the camera by holding the button and moving up and down(rotate the y axis), left and right (rotate the x axis).

c.      Scaling: Right mouse button: which can scale the view size by holding the button and moving the mouse up(increase scale) and down(decrease scale)

Shape of different checkers:

1.      The normal white checker is white cone body and sphere head chess on the board.

2.      The normal black checker is black cone body and sphere head chess on the board.

3.      The king white checker is a white cone body and sphere with a yellow hat chess on the board.

4.      The king black checker is a black cone body and sphere with a yellow hat chess on the board.


Menu bar: there consists of two menu items game and help menus:

1. The game menu: which have two items, new game and quit.

New game: restart a new game

Quit: it will ask the user want to exit or not

2. The help menu: which have two items, about and user manuel.

About: it shows the author name and other information about the program

User Manuel: it provide the user guide to play and use this program

Selection box: which consists of move buttons or continue button to the user to choose the move or let the computer to move. When the game starts the user can start to move first, the selection box provide several move buttons that the chess can move. The label on the button shows the path which the chess will move. E.g. 1)11-16 when we click on it, the chess at the position 11 will move to position 16. After that, the chesses on the 3D chess board display will be updated the positions. And also the position map also be updated. The selection box will change to only contains a continue button, when user clicked on it, the computer will move.

Position Map: which is similar to 3D chess board display, the only different is that it uses 2D instead of 3D and also it use character instead of 3D model. Note, w is normal white checker, W is King white checker, b is normal black checker, B is King black checker.

Number Map: which shows the number positions of the chess board, so the user can refer the number of the chess to move the chess.

Status: which tells the user which chess is moved, kinged, taken and so on.


Incomplete parts / bugs of checkers:

1.      None

Copyright 2004