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art2 you by linz


Fixed Links And Prepared Un-uploaded BG's Posted on Agust 22, 2004 byLinz
hehe here i am at skewl and i got nuthing to do, i finished my test already :P YAY! u kno i thought i'd do a lil updateing in my free kno i havent updated in like a month exactally....well i have...but not this i started a new web page that i am actulally makeing for my friend who has this band...i'll post a link to it in my "other sites" section...but only when i get around to makeing a small banner...OH and i need to tell you that my laptop...finally...*DUN*DUN*DUN* DIED!...for good this time...and all i have to say is one word of advice: "NEVER GET A SONY VIAO!!...they are SO un-reliable, slow, and just all around a BAD laptop, it was my first laptop, and it was like most peoples first car: POS!-for those of you who don't kn owat that meand it meand PIECE OF $#!+"

Uploaded Old BG's Agust 23, 2004 by Linz
HAHA my old BG's suck reli bad lol, well the quality of them @ least lol. Yea i finally got around to uploading them, FINALLY LOL!!, but what has me worried worried is the fact that in a few of the images i didn't remember to do the "BackDrop by digitalblasphmey, thing, adn in one i don't even have the digitalblasphmey tag on it SRY!!, i will add it back when i get some free time, cuz u kno, 4 me, skewl starts 2MORROW!! >_< NOOO!!! well there is reli nuthin i can do bout it cuz i gotta start skewl sometiem!! *sigh* but i had such a great summer i don't want it to end...oh well...but what i reli hope is that i will still have time for updates, cuz i don't want this site to rot like my others have lol, only one i am proud enought to list in my "other sites" section lol

Fixed Links And Prepared Un-uploaded BG's Posted on Agust 22, 2004 byLinz
Fixed Gallery Links, CHECK!, prepared other desktops for uploading, CHECK!, now all i gotta do is upload and update my codeing, well anyway, the desktops i have prepared are old ones that i made a loooong time ago, they consist of, SailorMoon, and Digital BlasphemeyBG's with alterations. OH! i almost forgot, i take no credit for the hours of work spent in makeing any of the georgeous backdrops in the BG's that i "make", because all i reli do is crop, layer, edit and alter the images, then slap a ID foot on it, along with a web-address, i reli should make a credit's section huh?...yea i should work on that lol

Made About Me Section Posted on Agust 21, 2004 byLinz
WHOO!! i made the "about me" section, haha, but it is kinda long, oh well lol. I reli need to work on fixing the broken links in the gallery, but i g2g, maybe 2morrow...c ya l8er!!


Made New Desktops!! Posted on Agust 20, 2004 byLinz
YEAH!!! i made 2 new Rikku desktops!! but u can tell witch one turned out better lol....oh they are purdy kewl tho eh? haha...well anyway... my boyfriend is my inspiration for them....u c he thinkd paine is ugly...and he thinks Rikku is a he told me i should make a desktop of her i made the crappy one with the lightning...then i decided to make a better one, so i did...i still havent shown him them yet tho, but idc if he likes em, cuz i do^_^


PHEW!!^_^ Posted on Agust 19, 2004 by Linz
DANG!! it is harder to make a functional websight than i thought...well i spose it isn't hard reli....just time comsumeing...well anyway....i started this site 2day, i decided to make it after i made this Paine BG, because it turned out sooooo GOOD!...and i figured that i'd show it off to pplz who cared haha....seeing as how my friends have no clue about videogames lol....then one thing led to another and well here my site is!!