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The X Files RPG Homepage

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From "The Truth", The X Files Series Finale--May 2002


Smoking Man: "It leaves me to tell you what Mulder's afraid to, Agent Scully."
Mulder: "Come on, let's go."
Smoking Man: "It's a scary story. You want to come sit on my lap?"
Scully: "You don't scare me."
Smoking Man: "My story's scared every president since Truman in '47."
Mulder: "You don't have to hear this."
Scully: "No, I want to hear it, Mulder."
Smoking Man: "Ten centuries ago the Mayans were so afraid that their calendar stopped on the exact date that my story begins. December 22, the year 2012. The date of the final alien invasion. Mulder can confirm the date. He saw it at Mount Weather... where our own 'Secret Government' will be hiding when it all comes down."
Mulder: "Yeah, you smile... feeling drunk with power. The power to do nothing."
Smoking Man: "My power comes from telling you. Seeing your powerlessness hearing it. They wanted to kill you, Fox. I protected you all these years... waiting for this moment... to see you broken. Afraid. Now you can die."


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