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Saturday, 4 October 2003

holy shiznit!
wow. i havent typed on this thing in forever and a day. Found out the other day that i am clinicly depressed and my evil mother took it all it stride like she wasnt the least bit suprised.
My awesomely evil grandmother insits on calling my boyfriend "my flame" which is evil, because she said it. The results from my personality test that i just took.
Schizotypal:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

well....hmmm lets see. Secondhand Lions was actually a really good movie i went and saw it the other day. I watched holes last night with my cousin because we both were forced to go to a football game and theres a Dvd player in his car.
I am wearing hello kitty pajama bottoms. ^^ yay!
other then that there isnt much else to say.
See you around.
well not literaly of course but you know what i mean....

Posted by art2/wolfsong_313 at 9:29 PM CDT
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holy shiznit!
wow. i havent typed on this thing in forever and a day. Found out the other day that i am clinicly depressed and my evil mother took it all it stride like she wasnt the least bit suprised.
My awesomely evil grandmother insits on calling my boyfriend "my flame" which is evil, because she said it.
Schizotypal:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

well....hmmm lets see. Secondhand Lions was actually a really good movie i went and saw it the other day. I watched holes last night with my cousin because we both were forced to go to a football game and theres a Dvd player in his car.
I am wearing hello kitty pajama bottoms. ^^ yay!
other then that there isnt much else to say.
See you around.
well not literaly of course but you know what i mean....

Posted by art2/wolfsong_313 at 9:28 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 13 August 2003

thats how i feel today....if that possible....even if it wasnt it is now.
yup yup yup
*sigh* im hungry.....thoguht you all ought to know. byebye

Posted by art2/wolfsong_313 at 3:28 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 12 August 2003

Hello again, cant quiet remember what i put here last time but oh well..
Busy trying to find lyrics for my Junior Senior cd and if anyone gots any sites i could use it would be helpful.
Anywho what bored. I slept to noon today. yay! ^^ and then i had some breakfast, sorta.
yeah. that about sums up my day. See ya!

Posted by art2/wolfsong_313 at 2:05 PM CDT
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Sunday, 10 August 2003

...ive only just realized that because no one thus far...that i know of...has read this so im really just talking to myself...which aint cool with me....wait...i talk to myself all the time...nothing to different although i dont normally type to myself, oh well. See you....again...

Posted by art2/wolfsong_313 at 3:46 PM CDT
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Yes well, im home now. And rather happy with my spending expirence. I got most everything i wanted including creepy goth skrit and knee high boots...yay me. I also managed to find both the Cds i was looking for(Fiction Plane Everythingwill never be okay, and Junior Senior Dont Stop the Beat)and a Trigun Dvd...yay me again. and now...i am just bored out of my freaking mind and so i munching away all happy like on whats left of my 5 pound chocolate rabbits head! ^^ yay! its off to find something better to do although i doubt i will and i most likely end up back here telling you all about how bored i am...
Good Day to you all. =)

Posted by art2/wolfsong_313 at 3:40 PM CDT
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Friday, 8 August 2003

Going away
Yes, my ever so loyal fans...that i dont really going away for the weekend..Gonig down to GreenBay, a whole 90 miles, to go "shopping" which im good at...i can spend 100 dollars in 20 minutes.. ^^ Yay better at spending money when its not yes im leaving and i wont be writing again after today until sometime sunday.

Posted by art2/wolfsong_313 at 11:16 AM CDT
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Thursday, 7 August 2003

Feeling a little better, almost done doing laundry but i am bored to tears!! i took a bath so that cheered me up some but holy christ on a flipping bike it is boring at my house. Dee tried to come over and see but Rae Rae wont drive her out here, For the best i s'pose becuase my mom hates having people over whens shes not home, she hates having people over when shes home too but she hates it more when shes not here.
My mother may very well kill my brother today for being a Dumb ass... Woot is all i can say to that. He is a Dumb ass and it would serve him right.
On a happier note.... I 4m th3 l33t ma5t3r.../\/o ()n3 c4n o\/\/nz()r m3 !!!! muhahaha. Peace.

Posted by art2/wolfsong_313 at 3:22 PM CDT
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crap and a half....
Alrighty, Today is a very crap day, which isnt unusual for me, but still. I didnt sleep at all last night, im tired and i look like crap, I have to do laundry today as well, but its better then cleaning, again. Which i have been doing for the last 3 days. *sigh* I guess I'll go and find something to do or i'll just go and take a nap.

Posted by art2/wolfsong_313 at 11:31 AM CDT
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