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Vortex's Front Porch!

Sit back and relax,

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The Internet is an astounding vehicle for us all. we should encourage ourselves to explore the limitless possibilities of our individual and collective potential. Our uniqueness and individuality is the only thing that makes this big mud-ball we call "earth" worth occupying.

All of us collectively are what makes this planet the jewel of the universe.
On September 11, 2001 our reality in the united states was changed, or at least that's the way it is now for those of us who didn't remember pearl harbor or any of the atrocities that humanity can inflict upon each other.
For me, this tragedy will always be ten days newer than anyone else in the world. You see, I went into unconsciousness because of low oxygen levels from pneumonia on September tenth, (the day before), so, I wasn't aware of any of the horror that took place at what was once known as the "World Trade Centers".
Yeah, I woke up about a week and a half after that sad day of mass murder, (please excuse me for being blunt, but my bluntness could never compare to that scene), I saw the pictures in the magazines and the videos that had just started coming out on the news. Man! Was I ever having sensory overload, I mean, just coming out of unconsciousness for that many days and then realizing my country had been attacked? Thousands dying in just a few minutes by the hands of five or more murderous cowards? Time has past since then. Thank God life goes on and I'm confident that America is stronger, not because what someone did to us, but, because of the way we have reacted as a nation.
I was and forever shall be changed as I'm sure everyone else will be also. I love my country and am proud to be an American.
"I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Links & E-mail

My "Picture Page" Click here!
My "Shotglass Collection" Click here!
My "miscellaneous small scale car collection" Click here!
My new "Hotwheels" colection Click here!
My brother-in-law's very old "Hotwheel's" collection. Click here!

Don't think about it, just do it. Click on this and impress yourself! It's the future of Internet "voice chat".

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