
[Cassandra's Crystal] How many homages to the living have you seen lately? Yes, there are a few, but Death is broadcasted faster, every second, everywhere. "Who wants to live forever?", asks the song. Have you ever thought about it seriously? Most people would immediately answer "I want", but how many can endure the flow of Time, to see everyone they love disappear?

My history is not long, but the Tides of Time have already made deep marks on my landscape. It could become more and more desert as stone is turned to sand, trees to dust and the colours to gray, but it also could become an everchanging artwork, a sculpture of memories, a painting of feelings. Of course, I chose the second alternative.

If you can hold each and every memory of someone else, it will stay alive as long as you can remember them. If you can tell its history to others, and they to others yet, you create an endless loop, a Lemniscate, the symbol of the Infinity.

A Brazilian poet wrote, about something ephemeral, "... let it be eternal while it lasts...". This Page is dedicated to Cassandra, a great friend that I knew for a very short period, but that will last forever. The day I knew she had left this world, I went back home and cried under the shower, hoping that the warm water could carry the pain away, with my tears. Then I started to write this Page, which took me many days to reach this point.

A Chinese legend tells the story about "Hinotori", the goddess bird of the fire. She takes the souls of those that have been good and carry them to the Infinity. In Japan, she became the muse of the artists and poets. Cassandra is now on the wings of Hinotori, in the Infinity.

I wrote this small song for her, and I hope she likes it...

I don't want to know
That you will never come
But I need to say
That I am missing you

Where have you been?
I can't see your star
Maybe it's a dream
How could you fly so far?

    Fighting in the Stream
    Searching for a miracle
    Hoping that you can
    Listen to my heart sigh

    Running on the shore
    On the edge of the World
    The wind's still
    Let the unicorn cry...

by Cyberknight

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