In the now...

12:13am November 12th
-april marie-

Okay, well... Im redoing the whole website thing agian... so for now its just a journal. Which, tonight by the way was a huge emotional rush for me. While I was gone today with Colleen, and then later Don & Colleen... my mom thought my room needed to be cleaned, reorganized, the works... and of course, "not aprils way.. moms way." *sigh* Anyway I walked into my room today completely shocked beyond recognition. Who would've known I had a floor?...Besides the part I'm extremely greatful now that my room is clean, I was super pissed. Privacy invaded, things thrown away... ect... ect... Thank God she didn't throw anything away of real importance (that I know of) other then some magazine papers I had to cut out still and hang on my wall. After I got over the shock of my "new room" I went through some of my yearbooks, notes, letters, pictures, ect... and by the time I was done I was crying. Adam Moline, we were starting to be the best of friends, and I never got to see him because of work.. and then the summer.. and now... we are friends? Not of the best anymore... even though that kid is beyond cool. and Cassie... geez.. I never even really talk to her... Danny.. God the list is endless on the things that were going through my head. Amy...Colleen, Scott...Renee.. Peter... geez. So many things were ruined for stupid reasons... and so many things were diffrent. And yet, things are going well. I just wish I could change some of the factors in my life right now. I'm not even drawing as much as I used too. Although, I wish I did. I am going to make things change from where they are now. Not all things, because don't get me wrong things are good. Well, we'll see what happens.

Goodnight kids... Im exhusted.

changing direction