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Fan Works

Here's where you can submit your fanart or fanfics for everyone to admire! There are a few simple rules, however, that you have to follow if you'd like to have your work added:

For Fanart:

1. It can not be traced in anyway.
2. You can not use someone else's artwork and call it your own.
3. Your name MUST be on the picture somewhere so that other people can't take it.
4. The images must be saved in .jpg, .gif, or .bmp format.
5. In submitting your artwork to me, you're allowing me to alter the size of the image so it will be easy to view (I will ONLY alter the size, don't worry). You're also allowing me to make a thumbnail of the image so the page can load quickly.
6. Absolutely NO Hentai in ANY form what-so-ever.

For Fanfics:
1. Stories must be original, no copying other people's work.
2. Absolutely NO Hentai in ANY form what-so-ever.
3. The fanfics will be rated from G to R. Anything rated R can have swearing, violence, and sex but the sex scenes can not be graphic or detailed.
4. Please save your work in a simple text format so my computer can definitely read it, or just copy and paste your story into an email and send it that way rather than as an attachment.
5. If you'd rather use a pen name instead of your real name for your work, then feel free to do so. There must be a name of some sort with the work so I know who to give credit to, however.

If you follow these simple rules, then your artwork or stories will be added. To submit your work, all you have to do is email me your work. If you want to submit a Fanart, Click Here, or if you want to submit a Fanfic, Click Here.


