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Drawing Syllabus

Timken Senior High School- Miss Brisbin


Course Description:  Students will explore elements of drawing through use of different drawing techniques, styles and materials.  This course emphasizes drawing not only as an art form and means of personal expression, but also as a way to increase visual literacy; understanding what and how we see. This course covers the design elements as they relate to drawing and includes historical study of visual communication. Students will learn new techniques in observation to create drawings from life.  Subjects will be broken down into simple shapes and observations to improve drawing skills. In keeping attention on two-dimensional work, students typically work with several media such as pen and ink, pencil, chalk, oil pastels, and colored pencil.  Weekly drawings and notes of ideas of different ways of working are kept in a sketchbook.    


Instructional Philosophy:  Instruction will be group discussion, teacher lecture, demonstrations, student self-guided research, class critiques and home drawing assignments.  Students are expected to participate in class discussions and give input surrounding their opinions and thoughts about the discussion.  Students are expected to take notes on art vocabulary and process steps during demonstration in a sketchbook.  It is important that students are present in class daily because of the nature of creating studio artwork.  Missed work must be made up on the student’s free time.  Students are expected to use class time wisely and turn assignments in on time.  Late assignments will be given a lower grade.    


Attendance Policy:  You are expected to be here everyday.  If you are absent you are to bring in an excuse slip or proper note explaining your absence.  You are responsible for asking classmates what the assignment was that you missed.  If it is not clear see me.  Your attendance will be averaged into your 9 weeks grade.  It is worth 10% of your grade.  You will receive 10 points everyday that you are present.  Tardy=9 points, half way through the class=5 points.


Tardiness:  You are expected to be here on time. If you come into class after the bell has rung you will be marked tardy.  After the third tardy you will receive a warning.  On your forth tardy you will receive a 15 min. detention after school.  On the fifth tardy and any that follow you will receive a misconduct report and a phone call home. 


Performing and Creating


v     Students will understand the technical processes of working in a variety of art media within the focus of drawing.


v     Use appropriate tools and techniques to produce a variety of drawings.


v     Students will apply this understanding to create original works from various subjects or themes as solutions to technical or visual problems, or as an expression of an idea.


v     Students will keep a portfolio of drawings that they create.


v     Students will understand and use vocabulary associated with drawing techniques and will keep a sketchbook of notes and outside class drawing assignments.


v     Set, pursue, and readily adjust art-making goals by recognizing and judging new possibilities as they emerge.



Historical, Cultural, and Social Contexts


v     Students will understand ways artists from various cultures and historical periods have used these materials and tools as expressive medium.


v     Research and discuss the varied roles of drawing as it emerged and progressed throughout history and other cultures.


v     Students will be able to recognize artwork from various periods, and understand how these works reflect the culture and time in which they were created.


v     Identify relationships between artist, historical periods, and the creation of different pieces.


v     Recognize that personal opinions are a reflection of the student’s own past experiences and cultures.



Evaluation and Analysis


v     Evaluate drawings according to its craftsmanship, organization, and technique.


v     Students participate in a variety of forms of art criticism, including description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment.


v     Students discuss and practice ways of analyzing work in terms of their use of visual elements and principles.


v     Use appropriate vocabulary to express and support opinions about drawings.


v     Recognize that personal opinions are a reflection of past experiences and cultures.


v     Learn to accept and offer constructive criticism for own work as well as the work of others.



 Aesthetic Perception


v     Respect the opinions of others concerning artwork, recognizing that personal opinions are a reflection of past experiences and culture.


v     Interpret the intent and meaning of these works, making thoughtful and informed responses to the work from more than on point of view.


v     Students read and respond to reviews by art critics, and may write their own review of and art show at a local gallery or museum.


v     Be able to listen to another’s opinion about a drawing and consider the reasoning behind that choice.



Grading: Grading Conferences will occur every three weeks.

Your grade is based on your daily:     Effort………………………...20%

Attitude and Behavior…….…20%

Skill and Technique…………20%

Craftsmanship and Neatness..20%




Grading Scale:  Excellent, Exceeds expectations………… A   90-100%

                               Meets all goals of the assignment…………B   80-89%

                               Average, meets most of goals…….……….C   70-79%

                               Meets minimum of goals to be passing……D  60-69%

                               No goals of assignments met………………F  00- 59%


Class Materials: You will need to bring to class everyday:

·        Sketchbook, pencil, eraser, art folder and creativity