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9/6/08 - I've started my junior year of school this year... and it seems some of my classes are a bit harder. I think my sophomore year was just a bit more fun as well. I can't do much except add a few updates every now and then because of my house undergoing major cleaning and school work. But like the last update says, I'd appreciate any visits to my latest site, Faded Twilight.

8/24/08 - It's been awhile, right? ^^ I've recently been working on one of my new websites called Faded Twilight. It explains one of the many reasons I haven't updated in so long. Anyway if you'd like to visit it, go here. It will also be added to the links page. This new page is pretty much based on Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga, if you're familiar with it of course. The book series is very popular and the movie (which is being worked on) scared Harry Potter into next summer... or so I've heard. That's a big deal.
Monthly Animal Tip

Your cat most likely has worms if it stays really skinny after eating lots of food for awhile.

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