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The SandBox

The SandBox is a comic strip of little kid animals (a sheep named Bubba and a moose named Piggins) and their life. But strangely enough, their life isn't as normal as you would think. SO go on, read a few strips, have fun. It's sure (hopefully) to make you laugh XD Oh, don't forget, Eat your cookies!

May 21, 2003

Hey all. Sorry about the long absense. School, loss of interest, life, simple things like that just kind of took over. Lizzy drew up a 40 second comic to keep you busy. I (Lizzy) have decided that only when I Have time will I do nice comics. But to keep you from leaving us, I'll draw up little tiny fun ones. Liz, ofcourse, will join in this too. :D! YAY! Now.. wait, don't leave! Enjoy! Oh yeah, if you have problems with my writing, tell me. I'll make it better xD;; E-mail me at for comments towards Lizzy (and hey, I like comments, lol.)

January 4, 2003

Sorry about the lack of updates, er... lack of telling people about updates, heh uh... well, we now have TWO comics up (joyeux occasion, yes indeed.) We also put up a list of characters, although we only have Bubba and Piggins up so far. When more are added, we'll post it here. Also, Liz updated her gallery, though she'll probably be transferring it soon. Anyway, enjoy yourself, and give us feedback! Even if we already know you, and all you have to say is "I enjoy goat dairy products." ....

December 15, 2002

Wheeeee, Kick Ass! First comic is up and lookin good (except for the whole "shittin-up-the-layout" thing but...) Annnyways, go and laugh! That's what Liz and Lizzy are here for! Bwahahahaha. In celebration.. have a cookie! XD

December 9, 2002

Lizzy has added and updated her gallery and Liz is currently working on hers (should be done by tomarrow maybe? who knows) Anyways, go, laugh at our work. Go on, you know you want too.

November 21, 2002

Hey everyone, welcome to The SandBox a site just for our comic strip! Liz and Lizzy have worked hard on this strip and hope you enjoy. This is a new layout and I hope everything goes well. If you have any questions, e-mail either of us =D

All content and characters are Copyright © Lizzy & Liz.