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Hiya all out there! Welcome to Sushi Wolf!

Sushi Wolf is a site to show my works to other people 'round the world. It's only recently created and there are still lot's of plans for this site, yup.

In the Gallery you'll find my drawings, inks, cgs that I've done in the past year or so.

The Final Fantasy shrine, well... just 'cause those people at Square rock! Right now it's just filled with useless trivia, but interesting trivia nevertheless! Eventually it'll have pics, fafics, fanart, whatever I can dig up.

And Links... ain't that self-explanitory?

So I've got a lot of work to do! ^_^ But not right now! (too much schoolwork, ugh)

If ya get bored in the meantime mail me:

Sushi Wolf and all it's contents are, unless otherwise mentioned, © 2001-2002 "Joshy" Chan.

You may not pass of any of the work here as your own (not that you would want to).

You can borrow / take / copy images here, provided you give credit and reference to this site.

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