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Friends From Home

These are my friends from home and a little about them.


This is probably one of the most craziest dudes I've ever met in my life. He acts like an immature little 6 year old and acts stupid but "thinks on a college level" so he said. Despite his mental incapacitation hes really a pretty cool guy. I probably shouldnt say anymore about him or he might hate me for putting it up here :) so I'll just stop._________________________


She is probably the coolest and nicest girl to me so imma get her her spot on here. Her father is a part of our church and I guess works for the church. She is what people call a goody-goody, but I really dont think so. She ran into a little trouble with Justin a couple of months ago. She said to me when I left that I was really the only one she talked to besides Danielle, but I know its not true because when Justin hacked into her aim screename I saw probably about a hundred people on there. Ok maybe Im going over the edge a little but I know she has more people to talk to.______________________________________________


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