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Turn Off Music

Last Updated:  10/11/03
Contact Sandrad D

Lady & Butterfly

All Below Pictures where taken in the Summer of "2002" with the exception of Dakota.



Born in September 1985

17 Years Old

The Queen of the family. Precious may be 17 years old but she still gets spunky. 

Born in August 1990

12 Years Old

Bought from the County Animal Shelter. Lady was just a pup when she joined our family. At the age of 2 Lady had a litter of 4 pups.



Born in February 1992

10 Years Old

Lady's pup: Cujo has been diagnosed with Congenative Heart Failure. At only 10 years old our baby Cujo is dieing. He's survived longer than the doctors said he would. Lots of love and TLC keeps him going. I dread the day he will leave us.

Died Feb. 1, 2003 Cujo's memorial page.

Cujo is Lady's pup - But as you can see he takes care of her.


Cujo & Lady

Born in April 2003

Less than a year old.

Our newest addition to our family. Dakota was given to us by our nieces friend. What a joy she has been for our family. She does the craziest things!

3 Years old

I was talked into getting Cody by my two nieces. We were in a pet store when they pointed him out stuck in this little 10 gallon fish tank. Well, need I say more...



2 1/2 Years old

Tazz's Home Page

Tazz is actually my parents dog. He lives next door to us and is as much a part of our family as the rest of the furry little guys and gals.

January 1, 1994 - March 23, 2000

Thunders memorial page

Thunder was diagnosed with cancer at only 6 years of age and died shortly after. I still miss him very much. He was a very unique dog. 

Feed an animal in need! No cost to you!

Audio Control

Music Playing: Dog and The Butterfly ' by Heart