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A Gift For You!
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Please do not take any stationary graphics from this page. They were made for Cujo only.  

The animated butterflies were collected from the web and are free domain.

Audio Control

Like a Butterfly Cujo is  just beginning his new life.

Cujo when he was ill but still very interested to be with his family!

Cujo's death is no more than the birth and new life of a butterfly.

February 1992 - February 1, 2003

At only 11 years old we lost our precious Cujo to Congenative Heart Failure.

After our 2 year old "Lady" had a litter of 4 pups, an add was put in the paper " puppies for sale". The first 3 pups went pretty quick; then there was this little black pup, Lady's Baby, we just couldn't bring ourselves to let him go. His name was Cujo.

Cujo & Lady

Cujo and his mom "Lady" stayed very close - they were inseparable. Lady being 12 years old and Cujo only 10 years old; Cujo was diagnosed in June of 2002 with congenative heart failure. The doctors told me he would have a maximum of 3 months to live; well... they were wrong! Our baby stayed with us until Feb. 1, 2003 many months after he was diagnosed. Our family always gave cujo lots of love, but when we found out he would only be with us for a short time, we gave Cujo every ounce of love we had to give. Lots of TLC kept Cujo with us.

Cujo was never himself again - he didn't have much energy and he couldn't play anymore. But he loved being with the family. He would follow us from room to room, always by our side. He loved attention, if he wasn't laying or sitting next to you, he would either put his head in your lap or his paw on your leg. 

About 2 weeks before his death, Cujo started getting very ill, very quick. About 3 days before his death he wasn't doing well at all. He was dying fast. He couldn't lay down to rest or sleep due to the fluid build up, it made it hard for him to breathe. We knew that night our beautiful little Cujo would need to be put to sleep. His beautiful soft brown eyes were staring at me with the the saddest lost look for help.

We called Cujo's vet that morning and requested for someone to come to our house to put him asleep, they couldn't fulfill our request so we set up an appointment for 11:30 am to take Cujo to them. Meanwhile we made a few calls and found a mobile vet, they came to our house somewhere around 11:30am. It's a wonderful service for vets to come to your home for this type of need.

Cujo was able to spend his last minutes with his family in his own environment. Our little buddy Cujo died in my arms at 12:00pm. I miss him so very very much.

I use to pray with Cujo quite often and near the very end I would sing "hush little baby". After the first shot to put him to sleep I had the chance to hold him and quietly sing to him for one last time. 

I truly believe in my heart he is not gone; he just passed to a place we are not familiar with. Myself and my family will see him again, hug him, and hold his head in our hands and stare into those beautiful eyes and see the love we use to see. 


Like a Caterpillar changing into a Beautiful Butterfly my Cujo is not gone forever. He has ended his life here on earth and begun a beautiful new one. With his wings spread wide  and all the freedom he could ever imagine. A place where he can run and play again. a place where his old buddy Thunder is waiting for him. He will be waiting for us at this place until we meet with him again.

This place is called rainbow bridge. This page will open in a new window.

Until that day comes our Cujo will forever be in our hearts.

Click here for Cujo's Poem & more pictures. this page will open in a new window

Some very informative links.
Dog Info - Alphabetical Index
Emergency Dog Links
Hearts United for Animals: National No-Kill Shelter, Rescue and Animal Welfare Organization.

Organizations I donate to:
Humane Society of the United States

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Audio Control - Music By: Heart - The dog and the butterfly

Site Created By: Sandra D