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Titanic Dolls

Welcome To my Titanic Dolls page. THESE ARE NOT FOR YOUR USE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember, each one took me at least an hour to do. One even TWO hours!!!! Don't take them!!!! If
I see one of these dolls up anywhere on anyone's web page, after close examination to make
sure the pixels are exact, I will put your name on the wall of Shame!!!!!! Thank you. Here are
my dolls! These dresses were designed by the people of Titanic and I give all credit to them. My
source can be found on where scetches of the Dolls can be found. I have
given Titanic as I said before, full credit. The "By Janie" on the dolls is to say that these
Dolls were DRAWN by me. Thanks, once again, I hope you enjoy these because I put a lot of time
and effort into drawing them pixel by pixel.