~^*Welcome @ Sieka's*^~

Naomi and Jaime
in the special chairs on my bike
on the way to
kindergarten and daycare-centre
when we stil lived in Lelystad.

Here are my 2 oldest kids
in WarnerBrothersMovieWorld ,
Germany 2000.
With cap is Naomi
with out is Jaime.

Paul in his Wupperthal, Germany
where he used to stay in the summerbreak
at his foster mother her family place.

Kieran as a constructionbuilder.

Jaime 10yr on this pic
on the computer playing a game.>

Jaime at a schoolproject in the natural historic museum.

Jaime 2002.

Naomi 12 at this pic
wondering how wavehair
would look on her,
I think it looks great!

Naomi 2002

The frontside of our house.

our straydog,
died at easter 2000,
he was about 20 years,
ain't lying!

Naomi,Jaime and Kieran
my three bandits
winter 2003.

Sitting in
"Mister Bean's car"
Jaime thought it was
not april's foolday,
but it was the day after,
a pratical joke from his school.

Kieran on my lab
playing with the toy
he got from"auntie"Mary in Sydney

This picture
was made in 1998
by Willem Breed.
For our 10th aniversary.

Our 3 kids in feb 2002,
Naomi,Jaime and Kieran.

Bottle up & Go,
Enkhuizer's Jugband.

Familydiner at my birthday'04

Paul and his younger beloved wife Sieka
they are married since 1988 and have 3 kids .

Paul and his 1st child
the daughter

Paul and his 2nd child
the first son

Paul and his two eldest children
in Wupperthal,de
the year before
he heard he would become a father again.

Paul looking at an old ship
de duyfken
that sailed from Sydney,Australia to Enkhuizen,the Netherlands.
in the backseat is sitting his seccond and youngest son