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Hiya all! I finally got the new layout up after 5 hours of work, not including the time that my computer went out, yeah. What a day!!! I just got home from field day, whew, we worked hard to win the tug-of-war! I feel over in the one round we lost, wahhh! But all of us 7th grade girls kicked the butts of the 8th graders, hehehehehe. To put it in short, I finally got the new layout up! If you already didn’t know, heh.


_Owner : None
_Gender : Female
_Species : Hamster
_Colour : White
_Birthday : 9th day of November
_Siblings : 0
_Sisters : 0
_Brothers : 0
_Cousins : 0
_Boyfriend : Michelangelo
_Favorite Friend : Everyone!
_Strength : 8
_Defence : 16
_HP: 25/25
_Speed : 55

»Link To Me!


Friend Linkies!

Amanda‘s MB
Oekaki I
Oekaki II
HamHam Survivor
Hamster Central

Neopets Help Site Linkies!

Pink PoogleToy dot com!
Nothing But Neopets!
For all released Neopet colours, check out!

The Neopets Palace

»Upcoming celebrations

_o5.22- Feild day
_o5.23- Momorial Day weekend
_o5.24- TMNT!!
_o5.3o- SCHOOLS OUT!
_o5.31- TMNT!!


_TMNT comics/updates

»My other Links


_Pizza Pocket

_Oekaki I
_Oekaki II
_Message Board
_My AMZ pets
_My Neopets


Rules for Adoptables
.o1 NEVER claim them as your own
.o2Don't enter them in any contest
.o3 DON'T alter them
.o4 Have fun! ^_^


Hiyaz!!! ^_^Hiyaz, all! I'm Shigua, your hostess! If you didn‘t know, I‘m a little white hamsters, with shiney blue eyes, hehehe. This is mainly a personal site, not really much text and stuff, I know, but it‘s good enough for me, since it took me ahilwe to build it, eheh, heh. Did I mention that I‘m a ninja hamster?!? Well I am!! That‘s all I can say here, so, enjoy the rest of my site!

»About me

PIRATE ME!!! ^ ___^Yay!!! It's About me time!!! Well, first of all, I am a albino hamster with blue eyes ... DUH!!! You can plainly see that on the front thingy title... But I'm not just any regular hamster... I was a princess, and I‘m a light warrior. So... I'm a Light Hamster!!! I don't know why, though... It's kinda weird... But oh well. I dun really know WHY or HOW it happened, it just kinda.... did x________X

HUH? ICE CREAM???!!!!! WHERE???! *dives*Hmm... uhh... I love anything peppermint!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite kind of mint thing is Ice Cream.... *mouth waters* HUH? ICE CREAM??? Where?!!! Gimme!!! *dives* x_X *crash*

Samrin Comes to save the day!!! ^_____^Oh yeah! I love TMNT!!! I love how they twirl their weapons! Like Baton twirls!! *tries*hits self on head*sweat drop* Oh well, they can do it! Plus the characters are a bit cute *blush* heh.

I also love writing Drawing! A little artist, just trying to become a cartoonist when she grows up, me!!!

Okaaaaay, there iz a nother thing you should know about me... I hate doing text books all day! No, wait. I don't hate text books, I strongly Dislike them! Heheh! They are soo boring, and who would like to do HOMEWORK ALL DAY? The only time I like them is when we’re having fun with them x_X! Yaaaaaay!!! I loooove to read those... meheeheheheh... It is sooo fun, cos it’s fun, heh -_^

OO!! IT'S MAI GREEN CHOMBY PLUSHIE! I LOVE THIS THING TO PIECES! GIMME!!! Isn’t it so cute?!? I love it to pieces *huggles it* I wish I had one *sob* oh well… I love teddy bears, and stuff like that, so I can hug it till it’s head falls off *evil grin*

Ketchup!!!! Where aaaaaaaaaaaare yooooou????This is my hamster, I drew him. Isn’t he just so cute?!? A little teddy bear hamster, heh, with a white bib. Only really thing weird about him is, he runs too much! He must really starve himself to death, he‘s so skinny. NOOO! I DON‘T WANT MY LAST LITTLE BABY TO DIE!!!!! x_X;';';

Okay, now that you've learned all of the basics of me, now on to the... advanced stuff x_X! YAY!

Name : Shigua (obviously)
Gender : Famale
Owner : None
Occupation : Youngest x_X;;'
Favorite World : Pop Star
Least Favorite World : Dark Star
Hobbies : Doing ninjitsu, reading, learning, and hangin with friends
Lefty or Righty? : Lefty!
Favorite Quote : 'If you fight as bad as you smell, then we are in trouble!' - Michelangelo

Whoo, that was kewl dont'cha think??? Aww, we hafta go on to the next subject... Oh well! Lets goooooooo!



Heres my likes!

Yay! I like minty ice cream!!! -_^ I may have not told you this, but... my second favorite food are slushies! and this is my favorite kind! Such an explosion of taste =) Oooh!!! Sugar!!! I eat these after squiesihe makes me take those un-hyper type pill things. Then I'm hyper again!!! x_X My green chomby plushie! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
Ice Cream! Berry Cola Slushie! Sugar! Chomby Plushie!

Well, that's all of my likes....... lets move on!!!



Yay! It's my Dis-likes! Things that are vile and disgusting and gross! Things that make me sick! And they are too icky to show on my page, so I'll just list 'em down for you!

  • Light ning & Thunder: *scream!*
  • Evil Scammers: WHAHH! Help me!
  • Meenie peoplez: They are... they are... Meanies!
  • Stealers/alterers/hackers: Arrgh!!! Why don't they go make their own?!
  • Idea Stealers: BOOOO…
  • Heights: *screams again*

Well, as you can see, I don't dis-like many things... I'm just a normal, peace-loving Hamp-ster... I think??



Yahoo, It's Friend time! Hehe... Yippee! Anyways, lets go!

raynebeory, my oldest sister! This is AmandaDaHamster, my oldest friend! She is really nice, smart, and she really likes the dueling! She's also are leader! She is the oldest, and bravest, and the most responsible -_-... Hehe! And she's really nice! She is a Golden hamster with a purple vest, and orb connected to her waist, which is a complete mestery for me! She's always protective of us, and stuff, though... But Amanda can still hyper all of the time with Urth, Pizza Pocket, Kaabiiu, Yohirby and me!

This is my younger sister, Waffle-Ducky!This is Kaabiiu! She‘s like a big sister to me. She is really nice! But we sometimes get into fights... HMPF! BLEH! The only magic maker I’ve really known, heh. She’s really maturing a lot faster than I am, and she’s so lovable! Well, she's kinda old, now. Well, not that old. Anyways, lets move on, no????? x_X

This is Xraie...... oi...This is Pizza Pocket! She is a Orange hamster, with her white caterpillar, Snowflower! She’s fun-loving, and one of the best hamsters to be around! Sweet, and kind, she wouldn’t hurt a fly unless she needed to. Did I mention Snowflower?!? He’s her white caterpillar, he’s so cute!!! He’s a special caterpillar though. Another great mystery for us and the gang to solve.



Here's a list of some of my friends! Heheh!



We live in Soup Alley, just houses away from the Soup Kitchen!!! x_X





Hiyaz!!! This is the section of fanfics written by me or my friends!!! There on Amanda‘s Message Board, so you have to register before you can read any of them, x.X‘



Here are some Tid-Bits about me!!!

  • I was born on Pop Star!!! x_X
  • My mother and father we’re killed, by some banniks (meanie!)
  • I'm one of the Light sword fighters!
  • I have tons of friends, who are so nice and sweet!!!
  • My name came from Sagwa, but when the nursery teacher that I helped drew, her, she worte it in Spanish form.
  • I’ve traveled to many places.

Yay! More to come... when I think of it, that is x_X




Here's the section where I answer all of the FAQ!!! Kewlies, huh? Aaanyways, lets get a move on! ^____^

Q:Why do you like TMNT so much?!? Or Kirby?!?
A:Well, I like the cartoons, and I draw them alot. I think there cute!

Q:Why is your eye color messed up?!?
A:My mom has Hazel, and my Dad has normal brown, so I got a dark Honey color, heh. And there not messed up.

Q:Same with your hair, why so frizzy??
A:Same as before, my dad has curly, and my mom has straight.

Q:Why did you name your character Shigua?
A:The name was orignally from Sagwa, the chinese siamese cat, but the nursery worker I helped put it in spaninsh form one day after drawing Sheegwa, which is shigua in spanish.

Q:Left handed, or Right handed?
A:I can write with both.

Q:Who is your favorite TMNT character?
A:Actually I can choose between any of them, but I don't liek the bad guys. Each character has such great personality traits, that I counldn't choose. But alot of people refer me to ask Michealangelo, or Donatello.

Q:What about Kirby?
A:Kirby and Rick of course, I like Waddle Dee too.

Q: Are you tough, or a cream puff in rl?
A:I'm alot tougher than I look, let's just leave it at that.

Q:Any other favorite things?
A:Yes, I like Neopets, and AMZ.

Q:What are your favorite Neopets then, AMZ too.
A:I like gelert, kacheek, zafara, and from AMZ ferro.

Q:Favorite Piant, and orb from them?

A:I like baby paint, christmas, and for AMZ I like all the orbs

Q:Any other favorite shows?

A:Yep, chalkzone, animanaics, hamtaro, and rocket power.



No!!!! Don't leave me!!! NEVER!!! I won't let you! *cries* Okay... you can leave... but be sure to come back!!! Cause I'll miss you! Like everybody else who comes here..... x_X;'; When I think of more tings, I'll add it to my page, so come back a lot!!!

Oh, and be sure to look for me in the Neopian Times more!!! And since I'm gonna enter the Site SpotLight, look for me in there, too!!!


Guest Bookie

Sign mai guestbookie....... NOW!!!! Or, you can view it x_X;;'';;'

Byeee!!!!!!!!!! COME BACK SOOOONZ!!!! x_X;;'';
Hamster Central

Click on my Green Chomby plushie to go to Hamster Central!


© 2002-2003. So don't be a meanie and steal!!!