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hawaii pics

Jason and I getting ready to go out on the kayak

Jason paddling with the shore behind him

on the island we were paddling out to

Jason showing me the beach naupaka

purple, not spiny, urchins

Jason and I in Waikiki

me with the duke

then we went to the zoo

and then the beach...where i got washed off the wall by a wave and broke my bum on some lovely rocks

sea cow

god rays

all dressed up to go out in waikiki

molesting a mermaid

we met up with some friends at a club (left to right, Q, KC, Genevieve, me, and Jason)

Genevieve and me, and Q in the background and my first over 21 bracelet at the top

the north shore. see the people on the big rock on the right? we jumped off there. it was fun.

Jason thought my mask was silly

but at least i got to see the fish

i saw the humuhumunukunukuapua'a, yay!

my picture of Jason

Jason's picture of me

we went and watched the sun set on sunset beach

at the Pali lookout

we hiked up diamond head

if you look carefully in the tree there is a brazillian cardinal, it's got a gray body, white neck, and red head.

honolulu from the top of diamond head

this is the view from Jason's house

this is a little lizard i chased around his yard

building in honolulu

top of a gazebo

us in waikiki after finding taryn again (even though i suck at taking pics)