Guille the Rabbit


El Mago

Trivia Stuff


Mago Activity


Lyric/quote of the Week

Meet Guille


411 Box

Hey look I fooled ya didn't I? hehehe (jejejeje) Ok sorry about that. So anyway, yep, that's Guille...the Rabbit. The blue, pink-nosed guy. Can't watch a match without him. I've had him for about 4 y 1/2 months. It's nice to have someone to shout at and who doesn't get mad at ya Then you can go back and apologize. He always forgives me The guy on his left (your right) the yellow kid, is Nally. He's jealous cuz he has to stay on the shelf all the time while Guille gets to sleep in the bed, sit on the computer, watch tv, all that good stuff. The red, bug-eyed kid is JI Chela. We just call him JI. Sounds like a rapper ya? The guy with the heart is Shawn (Bradley, 7'6 center for the Dallas Mavericks) and if you can see the OTHER blue guy behind JI, his name is Steve (Nash, 6'3 Point Gaurd for the Dallas Mavericks). Don't mind the frame on the wall, that's just my enrollment certificate from the Art Instruction Schools! Ok... And by the way I can see the REAL Guille everytime I enter my room cuz there was this HUGE pic of him in TENNIS magazine hahaha so it's on my book shelf so I can see him everyday

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