

El Mago

Trivia Stuff


Mago Activity


Lyric/quote of the Week

Meet Guille


411 Box

...........................................Oh yeah! Heh heh welcome to the Links page. I was um, kinda distracted by the pic there UHM! Check out all the links yeah, lots of Guille and tennis in general sites.

Coria's official site

Yahoo Coria group
The greatest I swear. Truck load of pics...that's an understatement. Everyone there is cool too

Guillermo Coria Fanpage
Not updated very often but quite a few pics and stuff. Pretty cool.

Coria El Mago
It's all in french...except the title. It's Spanish mind you. But it's cool! If you can speak french.

ATP Tennis

Xtreme Tennis News
I like this site. Takes 'em a while to put up the news but it's worth the wait. Hahaha during RG they were like "El Mago says he's just chillin'." LMAO that was cool.

Well that's it for now.

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