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Making a teardrop kitty is easy and this one is done without any outside filters to download. All you need is PSP 7 and a few images that I am supplying here. 

Right click on the images below and save to download and we will get started.


Download the tube


Here we go!

Open a new image 350 by 350

Add a new layer. Set your colors styles to white foreground and null background.

Get your preset shapes tool and get the teardrop setting set as pictured below.

draw a teardrop shape in the middle of your image. Don't worry too much about where you have it. Most important is getting the shape you want. You can always use your mover tool to move the teardrop in to position. Once you have it where you want it continue.

Get your magic wand set as below

On layer 2 click inside the teardrop shape you have drawn

Now until I tell you...DO NOT DESELECT

Add a new layer

This is layer 3

On this layer click Effects/3D Effects/Cutout  in the settings pictured below

Add a new layer

This is Layer 4

Apply the cutout again only this time make the Horizontal and Vertical minus 10 (-10)

Add a new layer

This is layer 5

Get your paintbrush tool set as below in white.

Paint 3 lines as shown below. I have circled the lines so you can see them a little better.

Now click Effects/Blur/Gaussian blur as shown below

at this setting


On Layer 5

Floodfill the selection with the tearpink.jpg tile as shown below

On Layer 2

Add a new layer 

On that layer put your kitty tube scale 55%



On Layer 2 

(or the layer where your white teardrop is)

Get your magic wand and select the white teardrop


Floodfill the selection with the teargold.jpg tile


Click Inner Bevel 

Use the default settings in Metallic as shown below

Click selections/select none

Click Layers Merge Visible


At this point you can export it as a tube or save it as a gif.

Feel free to use the images of your choice. You can also use BladePro for the gold edge if you desire. If you use BladePro omit the inner bevel

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial

If you have any questions please contact Servo


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