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The Famous New York Subway Drawings


Doug Rochelle

9.03.01 8.12.01 9.14.01 12.31.01 9.02.01

1.16.02 6.12.02 1.6.02 1.18.02 9.21.01

I began The Famous New York Subway Drawings on July 27th 2001. The "idea" was to begin at least one drawing on a 4"x6" Index card every time I take the train to or from the "City". At the time of this writing, there are over 500 drawings in various forms of completion. To give you an idea of what this looks like, if you lay the 4"x6" cards side-by-side, this is 50 yards long which is over half a football field in length. For more information, click here.

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