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The Soul within the Stone

A scene taken place within the Dungeon tavern:

theRaven -
He held the stone firmly in his fingers, his eyes focusing on it, studying the surface as if it was a treasure that captivated him. His dark eyes narrowed, thoughtfully, lost in the soft glow of its center, like a red heart beating. And then it seemed to glow, as if the red heart became a fire errupting. Gorwing hotter and more fierce the longer he watched. His eyes blinked, and his expression fell.. he seemed to hold it still, staring at it with a distant look, motionless where he sat at that table. To the eyes of the world outside, those gathered in that quiet tavern, they would only see a man sitting peacefully, staring at a stone in his open hand. But inside his mind, he was suddenly drawn to another place.

~Within the Mind~
A a calling spoke to Raven, a deep and familiar presence as terrifying as a nightmare returning. Like dark hands it reached for his mind and dragged his very subconscious to the realm of the inner mind. -His- realm. When Raven’s eyes seemed to open again, or so it would seem to him, he found himself in an entirely different place. A gigantic, brooding palace of massive walls, dark pillars and the faint glow of candles. A thick fog seemed to fill the air, a blanket of mist that moved throughout, making the feeling of the palace even more haunting.

theRaven -
Dark eyes blinked and open slowly, shining even in the dim and dark palace. His head turned slowly, back and forth as he gazed about in an attempt to recognize his surroundings. He almost swallowed, a strange rush of sensations tearing through him, like he was remembering a nightmare, a chill struck his spine. Even his outer body seemed to shiver.

A thunder came, the thunder of heavy hooves stepping towards him, the sound echoing in a deep rumble off the distant walls. Through the thick fog a massive shadow came, urging closer in a slow and haunting stride. And as the fog made way for the appearance of him, the very sight was frightening, his presence truly overwhelming. He stood atleast eight feet tall, horns extending and curling about his head, the features of a demon clear. His red eyes were ablaze, piercing Raven like a dagger to the heart, yet a smile came slowly, taunting him with the curve of his black lips.

theRaven -
His eyes widened, dancing upon the sight of the demon. His heart stopped, both in the image of his mind and in the reality of his body in that tavern. The presence was as familiar as the chill that came with it, and slowly he licked his lips to calm himself. Always in control, cool and calm, he rarely showed any reaction to his nerves, but it began to show now. He swallowed, yet his voice seemed lost to him right now, simply staring at the Dark Lord’s approach.

The Dark Lord - His hooves echo still, leaving prints in the old stone floor. As he came to a stop, the dominance of his presence was fully felt, like a wave of evil passing Raven like a strong wind would. Red eyes study the man, drinking him in like the prey he was about to eat. And through a deep smirk his voice came, like thunder it roared throughout the distant walls. “Welcome Dark Bird. I’ve missed your company..”

theRaven -
He finally seemed to regain his senses, his composure returning as smooth as his smile came. A forced smile. Dark eyes shone, a challenge in them even now, even in the shallow fear he felt deep inside. He didn’t move though, and his voice came softer, unintentially so. “As much as I love your company, the cold and the dark always gets my blood going..” He nodded slightly, raising a hand to brush through his hair. Even in his subconscious it was a childhood habit that came. “I think I’ll pass though, on your company, I have a very busy schedule..”

The Dark Lord -
His laughter roared throughout the palace. Sharp fangs glistened into sight before his mouth closed and curved into a smile. Hooves echoed again as he took a step closer, through the haze of fog, a black monster moving. “I’m sure you are a busy man, Raven. Treasures to steal. Wars to fight. Woman to charm...” He licked one of his fangs, his eyes narrowing with the deepness of his voice. His presence was powerful and it seemed to radiate like the dark energies that danced about him. “But I wanted to share some time with my Son. That is what families do..”

theRaven -
He blinked slowly, startled by his words. In one of those rare moments he seemed speechless, taking a slow breath before he caught his composure. He showed no fear, it was a feeling he had locked away long ago, even in the face of the Great Evil himself. But his body did tense. “What kind of game are you playing? You are far from any Father of mine..” His dark eyes narrowed, a challenge in them. He dispised this demon beyond any other, there was not a chance those words were actually believed.

The Dark Lord -
His laughter came again, a loud rumble against the walls. A hand raised, a single clawed finger lifting and brushing his chin thoughtfully, almost mocking the man. His red eyes were like fire, but there was a confidence in his voice, a true dominance in his presence. "Believe what you wish, my son..” His lips curved, nostrils exhaled like smoke, a captivating sight. “The body is a powerful thing, but the mind. The mind is even more..” His laughter roared again, like a storm brewing it was all that Raven’s ears would hear. “Its a shame you can’t ask your mother..”

theRaven -
His eyes narrowed, a dark intensity coming to his smooth features. Hands clenched into fists, every muscle in his body seemed to tense and stiffen. He was not liking where this conversation was going and his mind fought even now to escape this place of lies and deceit. "Do not speak of my mother. She was an angel, not the spawn of a devil like you..” Even in the reality of his body, he tensed and gripped the stone in his hand tighter, as if he were holding on for dear life. A shiver ran through his body, visibly.

The Dark Lord -
The monstrous sight of him seemed to disappear in the growing fog, like a thick blanket that spread and surrounded them both. It grew as the air became colder, choking at the lungs. Through the thick fog only his voice was heard, it seemed to come from everywhere. "Your mother was truly precious. Her soul was pure, and her heart as beautiful as she was. But that did not protect her from the Darkness that came..” The fog began to dance around Raven, moving in enchanting rhythms as if alive, swirling and twisting in the air. Images came, so real and alive to not only his eyes but his very senses. They were burnt into his mind like memories. “She was sweet..” Images within his mind came clear; a shadow overwhelmed his mother. Her screams were caught and lost in the dominance of a body. A man overpowered her, and took what he wished. And for a moment her screams almost became erotic moans of pleasure. The mortal man became something darker, a demon upon her. Horns so clear now. Red eyes so familair to Raven, burnt into his memory.

theRaven -
His eyes closed sharply and tightly, gritting his teeth together in a childish attempt to block out the voice and the images. His mind focused, struggling to push it all away to free himself. His body shook and trembled, and he found himself biting down so hard on his lip that it split and bled in the reality of that tavern. With a sudden shake his eyes snapped open and his mind was freed. He looked around quickly, taking in the surroundings of the tavern, as if he were waking from a nightmare. Falling back against the chair he found himself still gripping his hand firmly around the stone trapped inside his fingers, the Heart of Darkness itself. His breath came slow and ragged, calming finally. But the nightmare was lingered forever in his mind.