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Prophetic Revealing of Now, Then, and What is to Come

Setting up a session -- information at bottom of page

I am well aware of all the 'false prophets' out there,
and of all the psychic scams.
I am the REAL deal. I invite you to explore this site, read the feedback.
If you have any questions before you request a reading, feel free to email me. I will respond as soon as I can.

I will only tell you the truth of what I see coming. If you have a pen and paper ready, and have your questions written down you will have an easier time remembering what was said.
I invite questions, and if you don't understand something I say, please feel free to ask for clarification.
A Personal Word - you ask about what is concerning you,
and I will tell you what is going on, and what is coming.

I have flash visions of what is coming, sometimes I see through the other person's eyes.
I am able to discern what they are feeling, and what their desires for the future are and if they are compatible with yours.

I am able to receive Words of Wisdom from the Holy Spirit to help you with decisions you must make.
If Spirit shows me that things are heading in a direction that is not desired, we can look to see what you can do to change it.
This is operating in the Spiritual Gifts just like Jesus did.
Like when Jesus saw Nathanael under the tree (John 1:50), and many other examples in the Bible.
My gifts manifest in visions, word of knowledge, word of wisdom,
foretelling the future, and dream interpretation.
I also do spiritual mentoring, to help you grow and advance in your calling and gifting. There is a link on the home page to that area.

I was called by God at a young age, and has had many Spiritual events and miracles happen throughout my lifetime. I have over 30 years of experience using my spiritual gifts to help others.
I am 53 years old now, and it's just plain old me - no fancy words or anything.
At various points in time I have:

had an international prophetic/dream ministry
founded and pastored an interdenominational church
traveled a three state area ministering and teaching on dreams and doing dream interpretations
held healing services
ministered by the Word of Prophecy (fore-knowing, wisdom, fore-telling, knowledge) to over 100 people during day long seminars.

I have read and am familiar with most religions, but I follow the Bible, and belong to the God of the Bible. I am saved by the Lord Jesus Christ, and filled with His Holy Spirit.
I read the Bible before I entered first grade, I taught myself to read. The Word of God is in my heart, and it holds the boundaries to everything I say and do.

I have flash visions, and recieve personal prophetic words straight from God to you. My gifts flow as the Holy Spirit wills.

I am ready to seek the Lord's guidance for you in many areas:
-Career : What are you good at? What are your strengths? Is the job you’re in now the right one for you- or is it time to move on? Will you get the job you applied for?

-Relocation: Is this the right time to move? Is this the right place for you to live?

-Physical Dis-ease: What’s going on in my body? (This is spiritual information, medical diagnosis is not done, but at times herbs or foods are recommended.)Sometimes the gift of healing flows.

- Dream Interpretation: Dream interpretations are in depth, and cover many areas of your life. See more on the Dream Interpretations page.

-Creative Blocks: Issues and problems that keep coming up in your life are trying to tell you something.
I can help you discover what is causing blocks, and how to get rid of them.


I 'rollover' minutes. If you purchase a half hour block of time, and have 3 minutes leftover, I will add them to the next block of time you purchase, if you wish.

Sometimes all giftings come through in one reading, other times various ones manifest. It is totally up to the Holy Spirit as to how you will be ministered to.

Timing is fluid- I see things that could happen within a time frame. Sometimes I am very accurate, sometimes not - the choices and decisions we make daily effect when a thing can happen.

When you send your payment, please email me with your phone number. I am open for sessions between 10 am - 7 pm eastern standard time, weekdays. I will email you and we will go from there! Usually I am able to give you your reading within an hour of payment. Please don't ask me to go against my protocol. I tread everybody the same, payment first, then reading.

Please don't take advantage of the fact you have my private number. I have had people feel they could call me at all hours and expect me to be 'Johnny on the spot' for them. I won't call you unexpectedly, please give me the same respect.

I suggest an hour reading for the first call, as after that, you probably won't need to call back for a couple of months. I encourage you to take the Word you get here and pray over it, and wait until you see something change in the situation before you call again.

I do not do email work, as I really need to hear your voice in order to receive what the Spirit of God has for you. It's just the way it works for me.

Please be aware you do not need a paypal account to pay using paypal.
I have been using them for over 10 years, and have had no problems.

For 20 minutes - $50.00

For half hour- $70

For 45 minutes - $90.00

For one hour- $120.00

I do not give any refunds whatsoever.