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-CONTACT'S- poll.
What new site would you want to see come next at our site?

Current Results

Event calender-april

24-? .com server will be down.
28 Site fix up's.
28 If the weather stay's good, expect another chapter of terror-island!!
29 Special report. (if server is up and runing)













4/25/03 - Rexforever

Well..... dang.

MISC NEWS- Well It looks like the site hosting out .com site is down!!! The .com site will not work! I have contacted them and they say it should be back running soon. (if your reading this, then the .com site is probably up again) So if the .com is working, great but please remember that if the .com site isint up, then you can always rely on out back-up angelfire site. http://angelfire.comart2/rexforever is the site where you can always go... .com or not. So please remember that!!Also, We are now hiring! well, not really, but hey if you want to join the rexforever staff, please e-mail me!! We may need help in some field's. Once you e-mail me, i will give a list of what you could do to help.Also i have just added a event calender (below counter) and this little chart will tell you whats coming and also warn you if the site will be down. Keep track of this so you know when to check the site.Also, i am very happy to say that our poll vote's are at an all time high! Even though the .com site is down as im writing this, the poll's keep coming!! Keep it up guys! vote and join the forum!!

DIORAMAS- I have added another chapter to terror island!! chaeck it out! i think you will be pleased. Also please excuse the spelling. I keep forgetting to use spell check!

Or if .com site is still down...

"A no hope run" a new diorama by me!

4/8/03 - Rexforever


Misc news- Well it turns out that we finally got out new site open! (ya!!) Anyway... this site will be different for now on... just warning ya! Also no one has posted at our forum in about a month! check it out guys! Also you will notice these little jump menu's poping up on each page. Hopefully this will make the whole community easier to go threw!!

Diorama's- Also i am happy to report that i have posted 2 new diorama's in the diorama section! Also i would like to announce that a guy named SuchoSwimmer ant the JPTC forums has just signed up to be our newest person who will have their diorama story hosted here. On a sad note, there is still bad weather here so Terror island is still being delayed, sorry! Also i am showing a preview poster for JPIV: CTX (right) ENJOY!! Also awhile back, i one an award for a diorama in JP revolt's Dioramaawards. check it out in the awards section.

JPIV- I havent updated due to problems, but i just updated again with some new news, check it out!

Here is a small poster of the poster preview for JP IV: CTX.



























This site is in NO way affiliated with Universal Studio's, or Hasbro inc. This site is only used for a fan suitable website.