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Senthil Nathan Gandhi

134 Seventh Cross St, Arulanandha Nagar,

Thanjavur (TN) 613 007, India

Tel +91 (04362) 233190




Matriculation Exams                                                                                                                                                                         June 1994

Don Bosco Matriculation Hr. Sec School, Thanjavur, India                                                                                             

Aggregate 85.00%

Placed Third in a Class of 60


Higher Secondary Course                                                                                                                                                                 June 1996

Don Bosco Matriculation Hr. Sec School, Thanjavur, India                                                                                             

Aggregate 80.12%

Placed among the First Ten in the class of 60


Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)                                                                                                                                                June 1999

A.V.V.M Sri Pushpam College (Autonomous), Thanjavur, India

Aggregate 80.78%

Placed First in the B.Sc. Class during the Final Year.


Masters in Computer Applications,                                                                                                                                                 June 2002

Anna University, Chennai, India.

RCGPA 6.3 [ Anna University has an acceptance rate of .01and is rated 9th in India by Asia Week Survey]


·         I have been selected for and attended the MTTS (Mathematics Training And Talent Search) conducted by the National Board Of Higher Mathematics. [NBHM] at the IIT, Madras [May – June‘98], and at Regional Institute Of Education [RIE], Mysore [May - Jun 99].

·         Represented Anna University at Version 2000 at Regional Engineering College, Trichy - A National Level Technical Symposium.

·         Won the Brain Teaser Contest at ABACUS 2000, held at Anna University by the School Of Computer Science in the year 2000.

·         I was listed in the IBM Problem Solving Challenge - months October 2000 and January 2001 for ‘problem solving’ ability. [List accessible at]

·         Won a Software Contest in High School.

Creative Skills

·         Designed the official web site for a non-profit teaching organization funded by the Government of India. (

·          Designed, Created and Currently Maintaining the Web Site “The Red Collection” – With the theme Sweet Memories of Anna University - Which attracted over a thousand hits in the first week of it’s opening.

·         Designed the Science Awareness Exhibition at ABACUS, - A National Level Technology Symposium on Computers at Anna University, Chennai.

Technical Skills

·         Proficient in OOAD and expertise in implementing OO Systems using C++ and VC++

·         Sound Understanding of Operating Systems and Network Systems basics.

·         High level of expertise in the C Programming Language.

·         Sound understanding of the Relational Systems Concept and experience with the Oracle Database System.

·         Hands on Experience in COBOL, ForTran77 programming languages and other DBMS application systems.

Academic Projects Completed During The MCA Course


Simulation of the Point to Point Protocol                                                                        ANSI C

This project involved the simulation of the Point to Point Protocol (PPP) as defined in RFC 1661. PPP resides on the data link layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack. Apart from encapsulating the messages between two communicating entities through the physical layer, the protocol requires a communication link to be configured for the upper layers of the protocol stack to use the link. This is done with Link Configuration Protocol (LCP). One of the major responsibilities of LCP is to set the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for the session. Another important role of PPP is authentication, this done with the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocl (CHAP). The simulation was done in a Linux/(UNIX if you prefer) system using sockets as the physical layer. The simulation can potentially be implemented in the real world by replacing the socket calls with AT commands to a modem to establish the physical link.


Artificial Intelligence in Game Playing                                                                         C++ in Windows 98

Tetris is a popular game on the Internet. Visit to get a version of the game. It is a strategy game. The aim of the project was to make the computer play the game and play it better than any human, the approach that was followed is called the Top-Down approach, where the programmer codes his experience into the program. The issues encountered during the project were that of making the program feel. i.e. one has to Implement all the common sense constraints like you can't walk through a wall, you can in fact walk through a door etc. Subsequently after we have an environment with the desired constraints in place, we put in one more layer of rules on the system, this time the rules of the game. After this begins the actual work of making the computer make the decisions that make the best moves in the game. Listing out all possible moves and analyzing the relative merits of each move achieved this. The process of analysis proceeds with rough estimates for various weights and later it was fine-tuned when the program was up and running for optimal performance.


Illumination Modeling in Interactive Graphics                                                              VC++ in Windows 98

Modeling light in a virtual environment is one of the most challenging tasks. The number of sources in the location, their intensity and the texture of the objects all play a role. My project consisted of modeling a simple 3D object and a source of light in its vicinity. One could slowly building up the complexity to achieve dazzling and realistic effects. Elementary notions in Vector Algebra were involved in the algorithms that were used.


Digital Signal Processing:                                                                                            VC++ in Windows 2000

Project to implement something similar to the Dolby Noise Reduction Technology using VC++ in simulating Computer aided noise reduction and Deconvolution of audio signals with poor quality.  The algorithms involved making a low pass filter and adapting it to a wav file. Subsequently the quality of the audio signals was enriched by increasing the amplitude of the overtones that might have been present in the original sound. Various perk features were also experimented with eg)Adding Reverberation, Pumping up the Bass etc. The project gave me a sound understanding of the nature and the computer representation of sound.I also learnt to manage and debug a complex program in a visual enviromment. [VC++] 



Other Interests and Activities


·         Participated and completed the National Himalayan Winter Trekking Expedition in the winter of 1999, organized and guided by the Indian National Army. 


·         Won the Junior Level State level Table Tennis Tournament


·         I have a passion for Photography, love riding the motorcycle. Music and Books take a good amount of my spare time.