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Washed Away Love

Washed Away Love

This is my own creation, any similarities to other tutorials is purely coincidental and unintentional.

This is what we will be making...

Open a new Image 500 x 350.

Choose a scenic graphic of your choice and two tubes of your choice.

Choose two colors from your scenic graphic, make a gradient, Linear, Angle 0, Repeats 0.
Flood Fill your New Image with your gradient.

Click on your graphic, Edit, Copy.

Click on your flood filled image, Selections select all, Edit Paste into slection. Select none.
Change your Blend Mode to Overlay, Lower the Opacitiy to about 54.
Effects, Plugins, The Plugin Site, Hypertyle. You will need to click on the Texture Tab,
then click on the Open Texture Tab, find the water3 texture,
this texture is not a download, you should already have it.
Use these settings...

Add a New Layer, add your first tube. Lower the Opacitiy to about 74.
Change the Blend Mode to Luminace (Legacy).

Add a New Layer, add your second tube. You may want to play the the Opacitiy and Blend Mode
depending on your tube. I left mine on Nomral.

Add a New Layer. Add some text or brush of your choice.
Lower the Opacity to about 50.

Add a New Layer. Add your name.

Layers Merge Visible.

Effects, Plugins, Filters Unlimited, Edges, Square, Square Edge 12.
Apply a drop shadow.

Save as a jpg.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
email me Beth

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