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Pinnicle truth or folklore?

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The Story Of Pinnincle:It is said that in rome about 510bc a strange being fell from the sky and decended upon the romans. This being was described as a young angolos saxon female that had exstrodinary powers.They say she had the power to control the elements.After the romans discovered this they saw her as a God and named her Pinnicle. omar's comments: "Pinnicle means ur at ur highest point the romans problably beleved that Pinnicle the girl would bring there empire to it's highest peak in world domination.Another thing i find fishy is how the time period in this story is around the time rome became a republic and began to accelerate as a growing treat to the world." They then used the greek gods to represent all her powers:lighting,war,Sexuality etc. omar's comments:"Presumably as Pinnicle grew older she was a considered beatiful to many of the few people who i assumed saw her many long long years ago.The time period of when this leged suppoesably took place if unkown cuz many people said many time like 29ad but the one i decided to add in was the most relevent to the legend 510bc.From this point i don't know much more about the legend that pretty much all i know. But another that i came to about the time periods is...what else then Pinnicle had eternal youth in the Legend how else could the time period be so uncomfirmed.Oh yeah the whole damn thing is controversial!if you know anymore about this legend or just wanna ask me question email me or email my friend at. The Attila legend of his sword i also find interesting becuase this sword that Attila weilded was supposed to give u strenghth and a blow delivered by this sword would never heal. This sword was supposed to be buried with him but when the governmet discovered his grave it was already broken into and the sword was gone. The question is where did is it today in the present? And what else is bothering me is what of Pinnicle she suddenly has no refernce to where she went after rome fell! No legends no history in any way shape or form not even in folklore or tales told by nomads!
