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Life is short, the art long....

"Life is lived forward but understood backward." Nietsche

"In that solemn solitude of self, that links us with the immeasurable and the eternal, each soul lives alone forever." E.C.Stanton

Despite this state, or perhaps because of it, we seek one another out, and through this web site, I seek you. Here you will find some of my art, in the form of writing, poetry, and graphics. I hope you will enjoy our visit, link to me, comment in my blog, and I will link to you. Please roll over the images on some of the photo/poetry links for a page change.
Poetry and photographs by Jo Ann Wright, artist, writer, and art teacher. I can be reached at

A final favorite: "Our appearance here on this earth seems strange. Everyone of us appears here involuntary and uninvited for a short stay without knowing why - to me it is enough to wonder at the secrets." A. Einstein

Words & Images
All images and poetry are the orignal creations of, and copyrighted by Jo Ann Wright.

The Museum of the Ordinary Woman
Karl At White Columns 1983
A Personal Style
Passing Over
God and the Brain
True Romance Blog
Love Blog ~ New as of April 2004
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