C'est moi...et peut-etre toi...
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C'est juste moi...don't be scared

Well apparently you have some curiosity in my personal interests or you wouldn't be here. Congratulations. I'm about to fulfill your desires.

Hmm...my great passions include PHOTOGRAPHY (which I'll get back to...), ART (um, could you not tell by my webpages?), MUSIC, TRAVELLING, my FAMILY, and living.

Hopefully in the very near future I'll have quite the gallery to show you fine visitors online, but for now I'll just have to verbally convince you of my love for photography. Some of my favorite photographers include Robert Mapplethorpe, Man Ray, Brassai, Ruth Orkin, Linda McCarthy, and Jacques-Henri Lartigue (on whom I wrote a very extensive research paper for an art history class). And, of course, my Dad!! He's really the reason I ever became involved in the medium and my main teacher throughout the years.

Since senior year of high school, art has been a huge part of my life. I used to say that I took pictures because I couldn't paint or sculpt. Believe me...it's been confirmed by a Baylor drawing class as well as a design class (side note, braising steel with a blow torch may sound fun...but it's not). However, my love of art should hopefully make up for it. I am now an official Art History Major at Baylor, so I have some decent knowledge :) Picasso is, obviously, one of my favorite artists, and in May of 2001 I had the privelege of seeing a great deal of his work in person. It was a very cool experience. During the same trip, I saw many works by Matisse as well. I'm fascinated by both the works and lives of the two men. In addition, I saw the land-mark exhibit Matisse/Picasso at the Tate Modern in London (June 2002) and again at the Grand Palais in Paris (November 2002). I don't really know anyone who was not involved in the show that saw it in two seperate locations. It's rather scary actually. But anyways, I'll go in-depth on modern art if you'll ask me, otherwise I won't bore you! I'm also very fascinated by art of a completely different spectrum, which is by the giants of the Italian Renaissance. I guess in some ways I tend to think that their genius will never be rivaled and their work's beauty never duplicated. Last summer I had the extreme privilege of visiting many museums in Italy housing the most famous works from the Renaissance. It's hard to know what to say - maybe I'll post something from my journals. Maybe I'll even have a super dorky page devoted to art museums.
For a great art source, visit the Artchive

Since I have been but a mere youngin', music has been an incredible influence in my life. At one time I liked to boast that I played four instruments! Okay, so I counted my voice. But that also included piano, cello, and guitar. Nowadays I just like to listen to it and though my tastes constantly change, these musicians have seen me through some hard times: Radiohead, Indigo Girls, Bjork, Sarah McLachlan, Toad the Wet Sprocket, The Cure, Fiona Apple, Sting and The Police, Olive, Ella Fitzgerald, Lamb, Air, and so many more that I'm forgetting at this late time of night. I'll keep adding!!

Okay, so I was bit by the travelling bug when I was also a young kid. I hate to play the blame card, but come on, when your parents pack you up and move you onto a boat when you're six, you can hardly expect me to want to stay in the same place forever! So anyway, travelling is obviously a huge love of mine. Since my trip to Europe in summer 2002, I've added a few more countries on the list of where I've been in the world: Belgium, Germany, France, Iceland, England, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Canada, the Bahamas, Tanzania, and Kenya, plus 35 States in my own country.

My family just seems to be growing on a daily basis. In the past few years I've gotten really close to them (I blame the previous rift on my lack of anti-depressents :) ) and so I'll talk about them.
The parents are good...it's amazing how college brings kids and parents together.
My oldest sister Melissa was married in August of 2001 to Todd, and in May 2003, they had their first child, a daughter named Emma Rose. Maybe they'll actually send me some pictures so I can put them up...
My second sister Michelle was married to Ian in March of 2001 and they had their first child, Nemo, in June of 2002.
My brother Jonathan is now a sophomore in college (as of June 2003) majoring in hospitality. Maybe one day he'll own an ultra-trendy vegetarian restaurant. One can hope :)
I love you guys!!

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