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Welcome, So come Visit my page often, will put up some good stuff for download & viewing ,Hopefully will add a section on tutorial kind of stuff as time goes by..... SeeYa.

Please note the Creator of this template as tabulated below :

This template is free as is to use for an individual site (you may use it for yourself for one site, whether the site is yours or a friends), as long as the link to my website is kept at the bottom of the pages. You may not sell this template or include it on a CD you are selling or sell downloads of it. To use this template for a reason other than a single site, you must get permission from the author by sending an email to Visit my site for more free templates.

You can get the header and menu customized for $40. Send an email to for details.

Source code for this template and one user license may be purchased for $50, email author at above address for details.


©2004 webtemplateszone