My name is niki nicklin I have
always loved to draw and paint.
My subject matter reflects the
love of nature, animals and
childhood memories of westerns on
TV. Growing up in Southern Calif-
ornia, I began to search for the
ideal places to learn my subjects.
for my art work. The journey
brought me to the White Mountains
of Arizona and to northern
Minnesota.For the last year I have been
living near Yosemite National Park.
Now after enjoying this
beautiful park I need to go back to
Southern California and paint! I have tried
to develop a unique style and technique that will
give my paintings a personal signature.

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I have studied at several colleges.
However my real learning came from
a mixture of traveling and meeting
other artist. Studying and learn-
ing as much information as I could
about my subjects. In a lifetime,
I will not have scratched the surface
of learning this thing called Art.

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