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Paper Purses

Welcome to Paper Purses! I've recently began making purses out of anything and everything! The one I've made for myself is made out of cereal boxes. I made one for a friend that looks like it was made out of newspaper. I'm also making one out of a Burger King Big Kids Meal bag that has Hamtaro on it. The idea is to make a purse that fits your personality for dirt cheap. I only charge 5 dollars per purse, when most of the purses these days are anywhere from 15 to 50. All my purses are different, and you can have a direct say so in what your purse looks like! If you want, you can send me pictures of you and your friends to put on your purse, or your favorite movie stars or bands, or anything you like! I'm making them out of pictures from Vogue, out of world maps and dried flowers. It's all up to you. You tell me how big you want it, and in what shape! Or you can opt to randomize, and I'll make you a purse, well, randomly. I'm also going to be putting up pictures of ready-made purses for you to choose from if you like, so get shopping! ********** Purses are 5 dollars + 3 dollars S&H, so keep that in mind!********

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