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Norshiral Crafts
||| Fine Art Gallery ||| One Stroke Painting Classes ||| One Stroke Painting Parties ||| For Sales ||| |||
This is a FANTASTIC way of Decorative Painting!!
Hello. I'm Shirley Bulmer O.S.C.I.(One Stroke Certificated Instructor) DecoArt Helping Artist I am also a Plaid Approved Teacher/Demonstrator.

Thank you for visiting my web site. I hope you enjoy it.

I have studied One Stroke Painting with Donna Dewberry and with our own Stephanie Weightman of Express Shopping channel fame.
Anyone can learn this style of painting. Even if you haven't ever picked up a paint brush before!!!! If you can hold a paintbrush...You can learn this method!!

I paint wall murals. I painted this little fella on the wall at the bottom of my stairs. The picture opposite is painted on my suitcase. It's a great way to make it stand out at the airport or a bus station.

I can show you how you can do it too. One Stroke looks great in scrapbooks and on handmade cards too! You can make money out of this style of painting.

I teach and demonstrate at Womens Institutes and other groups. I also hold classes in my own home.

Just click on the links at the top of this page to find out more about my Workshops and Parties.

Email me at:

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