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. . . "This is Tami's bio page". . . Her family and friends have each written a little something about Tami in their own words . . . The website and this page is for her BIRTHDAY on the 25th of September and we are so happy to have her that we wanted to share these special feelings with anyone else that may get the chance to meet her . . . . "This is Tami's bio page" . . . Her family and close friends have each written a little something about Tami in their own words . . . The website and this page is for her BIRTHDAY on the 25th of September and we are so happy to have her that we wanted to share these special feelings with anyone else that may get the chance to meet her . . .
Think about this...You may not realize it, but it's 100% true.
1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in someway or another.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. If not for you, someone may not be living.
8. You are special and unique.
9. Someone that you don't even know exists, loves you.
10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.
12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later,you will get it.
13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.
14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.
15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.

Now that you have a smile on your face thinking of your own family and friends please continue reading and learn a little about ours.

For practical purposes the following are in alphabetical order by first names:

From: Alix Fulenchek
Tami, It seems such a long time ago that we met and became friends that I really don't remember you not being there to support me. We have shared many good times and a few heartaches, but we have weathered it all together. You are someone that can always be relied on to do whatever is necessary. Whether a smile or a hug, sometimes a tear, I know you are always there for me. The Lord has given me such a blessing in you and I know that we will be friends for years to come. Although are hair may be graying and are wrinkles are starting to show, our friendship is still going strong. Happy Birthday!

From: Al Harvick
Dear Tami, You came into our lives that September night in 1965 and you've shown us your loving toughness ever since. You latched on to a piece of my heart in such a way that no one else could ever take your place or be loved as I love you. I'm so proud of the beautiful woman and mother you've become. I just wish we were located a little closer together, but I thank God for the time we share.
All my love, Dad.

From: Barbara Collins
Tami: I wish you only the very best wishes on your birthday. I was just thinking this morning as little "Tami" came in to hug me, how much I would miss her and you next year. I love it when you come in the office. You always are a bright spot in my day with your sincere smile and energized outlook on life. You are one of the most innovative people I have ever known. I never look at my crayon wreath that I don't think about you and all your "crafty" ideas. Have a wonderful birthday and many, many more to come.
My very best to you, Barbara Collins.

From: Brandy Dawn
Happy Birthday Tami, Thank you for taking care of me when mom could not. I hope that your business goes as far as you want it to. You make beautiful mums, maybe you can make my 3 girls their mums some day. I love you, your Sis...Brandy

From: Chris Bardee
Tami, What would I do without you. You are a wonderful wife and mother. I think what I look most forward to in our lives together is when we are retired and can truly spend time together. When we can spend time with each other without being on a schedule. Our vacation together this year was just the tip of the iceberg. You are my best friend and always will be.
Love, Chris

From: Cheryl Burleigh
Tammy, I just wanted wish you a wonderful birthday. We've known each other through our kids at school, but I've really got to know you over the last year as home room Moms. You've been great fun to work with and I look forward to working with you this year. I know as we get older we don't look forward to our birthdays as we did when we were younger, but they still can be fun and sometimes with a few surprises. Hope yours is lots of fun and filled with many surprises. Wishing you all the best on this birthday. Your a great person who deserves nothing less than the best.
Your Home Room Mom Buddy, Cheryl

From: Dorann Bardee
Tami is a one in a million daughter-in-law. She gives me permanents, helps with my craft projects, and is a great pinochle partner. Best of all, she has given me two beautiful grandchildren.
signed....much love from Dorann.

From: Dorothy Shaw
Dear Tami, I remember a beautiful little girl I watched grow into a beautiful and lovely young woman. May God bless you always. you Grandma Shaw.

From: Jordan Bardee
I really want to thank you for all that's you have done for me. I can't wait to get started making a mum all by myself. Plus making a bunch of new braids. I really really enjoy doing all those things with you. I love that your my only Mom.
signed...Your Daughter Jordan

From: Joyce Jones
Tami, I am so very proud of you. It's not everyone that can say your daughters are your best friends and I can. Your life is a complete miracle and you have turned into a beautiful woman. You have proved that our Lord is still in the miracle making business. I remember holding your tiny body in my seems only a few years ago and saying to the Lord, "Thank you for loaning this baby to me and I promise to take good care of her". Then you contacted Leukemia and in some ways I felt I had let God down. The Doctor gave you less than a 2% chance to live. It was like hearing that my world was coming to an end. I prayed and prayed and even begged the Lord to let me keep you. He answered in such a mighty way and here you are today with your own beautiful family and business. How proud I am! Honey, I wish you all the success in the world, you deserve it.
I love you so much, Mom

From: Judy Macomber
T alented, A mazing, M iracle, I ncredable...You are a very talented young lady with an amazing personality. You have a big heart and have always put other people first in your life. You are a miracle of God and a witness to all. I remember when you were 11 years old and was told that you had leukemia. At that time there wasn't a very high survival rate. The doctors gave you a few months to live. You kept a positive attitude and never gave up. With God by your side and your strong faith, you proved them wrong. The doctor's then told you that you would probably not be able to have children, because of the medicine you were on. Once again Tami, you proved them wrong. You have two beautiful children inside and out. You are truly blessed by God. You are an incredible woman, and a wonderful mother and wife. I believe that you can accomplish whatever you want to.
You go girl ! ! ! ! Love, Aunt Judy

From: Michael Jones
First we have to thank God for having the opportunity to meet you, second we have Mom to thank for raising and trying to teach you what you need to know. But I have YOU to thank for all the things you have done for ME. From the day I first met you I was accepted and we have grown to be Brother and Sister instead of just step something. You werent even thinking at the craft fair when you introduced me to a friend of yours as "thats my Brother". For someone like me that has a lot of holes, cracks and overdue (mental) heart repairs you sure know how to fix them. For all the scar tissue others have left upon me, you seem to come along with your petite mouse enthusiasm and perkiness like a fairy jumping out of a disney movie and sparkle on everything around you, then bounce away with the glee that only a 6 year old at reccess can understand. You know as well as Mom does how the both of you can really change peoples attitudes by your smile and kindness. I wanted to thank you for all you have done and hope this website Mom and I have worked on will give you the strength to keep on going. Also remember that every time someone mentions your website that you also remember all the lives you have effected and on this page there are people that care about you very much and you are always wanted and needed. Keep up the good work...we love you.
signed...her teasing Brother.

From: Nancy Harvick
Dear Tami, When I think of you, I think of you as my daughter that I share with an elegant lady. Over the years I have learned so much from you. I have learned what it means to be kind, thoughtful and generous to others. I have learned about inner strength, and sticking to ones principles. I've witnessed you grow as a mother and teach your children the same values that you have. I've watched you grow in your marriage and become a good wife. Now as I watch, I see you growing into a business owner and manager. Where will it stop? No one knows but it will be fun to be there for you for a long time to come.
With all my love, Your "other" Mom.

From: Nicholas Bardee
Happy Birthday Mom, Thanks for all you do. You help with
baseball, football and school. You do so much.
I love you, Nick.

From: Roy Jones
Tami, Who is she? Well she just happens to be a living miracle, a cute little 11 year old that was told by the experts that she would not survive the wiles of death. But excuse me, you do not know the Tami that I know. She is a beautiful Wife, Mother, Daughter and Sister; who has fought tremendous odds and has produced two of the most beautiful kids you will ever see. So when you are thinking impossible just think of Tami.
Love...the Peepaw.

From: Ted & Kayla Harvick
Hey Tami, Just thought I would let you know how much all of us love you. You are a wonderful person and a true blessing in our lives. Good luck with all your mums.
Love, Ted, Kayla, Ariel, Miranda and Dallas.

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