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Is it Lie? D R A F T

Internal conflict. The prosecutor Rachel Mitchell already established 2 errors in her written statement and her sworn testimony.

- 1) Double door rennovation lead her to therapy in 2012 as given in her statement. But government records show it was done in 2008.

- 2) Flying. Fear of flying was given as a reason for delay. But it was clearly demonstrated during the questioning by Rachel Mitchell that she flew often both for business and leisure.

Two additional items came out recently. One of them was meticulously teased out by Mitchell. CMB in sworn testimony answered "no" involvement in all matters relating to lie detector tests. When her ex boyfriend stated that she coached her friend Monica about the tests, it began a thread which lead to the direct involvement of a retired fbi agent and likely others. Scrubbing all web links to her past ...

scrub archives

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- Her high school deleted at least 3 yearbooks. Palo Alto U deleted her bio from the faculty listing in the university web site. This is a remarkable effort. There were over 20 archived version of the page on a popular web page archival site (Wayback). Every entry from 2014 to Sept 2018 were scrubbed. Another example is the July 1918 alteration of a 198x traffic violation/criminal ticket. All these bear the hallmark of a professional geek. Why would anyone go to such lengths including changing a government record? perhaps only her lawyers. What hints are being hidden?

On October 3, 2018, the following link suggests that fbi agents helped CM Ford erase all traces of her history on the web, not easy to do. This is a well researched article "Ford McLean link " with photo of CMB and her friend (retired FBI agent) McLean side by side at her hearing. Monica McLean is the retired (2016) FBI agent with whom she stayed in Delaware shortly before the hearing. Her ex boy friend stated that Ford coached her about lie detector tests when she applied for the FBI job 20+ years ago. Now she is doing the coaching and likely the scrubbing maybe with the help of still active colleagues. Very interesting implications here if we consider the elaborate pattern of the entire effort and the associated costs. Ford  McLean side by side If you replay the clip when she said that she didn't know about the committee staff going to California, she turned to her right towards her friend.

- Follow the money. work at Corcept Palo Alto U catalogue still has a version of her bio. It says she is Director of Biostatistics, Corcept Therapeutics which makes the drug Korlym. It's active ingredient is mifepritone which is the abortion pill. But Korlym is sold to treat a subset of Cushion's disease. Corcepts used mifepritone as a foundation to treat the disease and priced it 700% above the average price of mifepritone. CMB coauthored numerous papers in her job measuring the correlation of the drug application with symptoms of the disease. The studies form part of the basis of Korlym application to the FDA. Korlym was approved by the FDA in 2012. Another twist concerns Corcepts cofounder Alan Schatzberg (Chairman of Stanford's Psychiatry Department) and Senator Grassley who critized Schatzberg for under reporting his stake in Corcept, $100,000 instead of $6 million. Schatzberg resigned as principal investigator of the NIH grant to study mifepritone at Stanford. He was later re-instated. Corcept has relatively few full time employees, with a revenue of $154 million and market capitalization of $1.5 billion in 2017 and expected to double in 2018. Many contractors and consultants. Wonder where else they work? Wonder how the NIH grant money fits in the circle? To some people, it is an example of the arrogance of this crowd. This is an example of the academic industrial complex which did not exist in Ike's time. This is something which Feinstein and Pelosi also know. Instead of the military industrial complex we have the academic industrial complex.

The widely circulated picture of CMB at a "science march" was to protest cuts in federal research funding. /body>

- This next point is only a hypothesis, and please, it is not meant to offend women. A woman has the same gifts and passions as men. Just as men can be predatory towards women, so can women prey on men. The 1984 Scribe (her high school yearbook) says: "Some seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship. Others remained 'staglet,' for reasons known only to themselves." To be fair CMB was not mentioned in this paragraph, no one was. The account nevertheless is a contemporaneous document of the atmosphere at the school. Was she one of these predators?

- K is accused of drinking till he passed out. The same yearbook talks about party drinking at her school: "there were parties to celebrate any occasion... They are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene." Was she one of these? Did the ticket involve DUI?

- If the lie hypothesis is true, there are likely other outrageous events in the past. Previous boy friends would be good sources.

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The case for CMB lyi­ng: inconsistencies in testimony, lette­r, shrink notes, and conversations; no names generic nature of notes etc until letter to committee; voice and demeanor at testimony, uncorr­oboratable added det­ails during testimon­y; thorough scrubbing of all web info; contemporaneous descr­iption of school par­ty scenes. Motivation: end jus­tifies the means ... our brain and inner self is only moving grey matter. Ethics is at most a set of signals there. Fully orchestrated campaign...accuse opp­onent of everything you do yourself. Good case for defamation.