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Rose's Domain

Rose's Domain

Welcome to my web site, I am the all powerful goddess, Rose, and you have entered my domain. Welcome to the site of my lame drawings, poetry, designs. I love art in all forms. If you want to know more about then check out Goddess Rose k? Or you could check out my lame poetry which are either poetry or would be songs if i can ever figure out how to create half-way decent tunes to go with them. You have many choices on this site you know besides my poetry and just me. I promise you that my drawings are much better then anything else you find on this site, except my designs mind you they are the love of my life especially when i am able to make them into little doll clothes for these little pins used for hanging laundry (they don't have the best figures for ball gowns let me tell you) i love it so i'm going to show you some of these things if you'll be so kind to click on something cause by now i'm sure i've bored you to death with the fact that i am so long winded. So click click, k?