reload // guestbook // send a sweet note// vote for me motw
::layout info::
color black for remembering grandma maria peralta mayo "soping" who died exactly a year ago today. pink for her fave color. gray for my fave color and mood. the hibiscus reminds me of guam when we went there last year to mourn for my grandmother. love you, forever mommy: rest in peace now
::sweet info::

name: tess
age: 25 - yikes!
nat: pinay
loc: north cal
last updated page:12::18::02
love: family,friends,& jerry
hobbies:web design, hula, filipino folk
dancing,graphic arts,arts & craft
school: menlo college of antherton, ca
major: currently obtaining a b.s. in busi admin
THANX TO: s-p-o-c-k for the song & my family, it was a trying year. but we survived safetly. i love you all. i hope i was there for u as much as you were there for me, jerry i love you with all my heart, we had difficult times, but it goes to show how strong we are together. love you babe and only you...
song: happy: by ashanti "happy" lyrics at at this site
aim/yahoo sn:sweet7355
::the sweet life::
a journal on my life

::12-06-02:: OMG! I never felt so busy in my life, and just to think i was going to get a part-time job. i should`ve with all the bills and christmas presents i wanted to get. but it`s all good. i have the rest of year and birthdays to make up for my shady presents. its just hard. jerry just got a job and now i am starting to take care of my bills. here`s the line up for the week. today: hula practice and homework. thurs: finals, and singing rehersal for caroling in front of my company. fri: church,hula practice, lumpia wrapping. sat: flea market and gilroy outlet. sun: church, prayer, and tamale wrapping. UGH!!! calgon take me away

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::Lookie Here::
::scroll down to see my virtual life// click to see original image::

pic of me

my sis and I



best of friends


jerry :: tess 823
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