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Marianna's Web Designs

I'm glad you found your way to this site. It means you've found a place to get started in your collection of web knowledge. I love to be in a constant state of learning and even more than that, I love to see what the knowledge I've gained can evolve into when put to work. This site is one such example, and I must say, I've had a wonderful time researching and verifying my information...and gaining more of it as well!

I've learned html by asking questions, trial and error, and "net hunting". My excitement from these efforts led to my being asked for help by others who were newer on their own quest. Ultimately the questions caused me to open a messageboard for the purpose of assisting people learning html and psp. And now I have begun writing out my own tutorials in language simple enough that I can understand.

So now, if you'd like to follow me through the links of this site, you too can join me in the quest for web knowledge.Click the button to begin.

click to begin learning basic html

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Last update completed: 22 May 2003