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6/ 29/03
Hey, um... so ya today was cool. I slept over at taras and i had a huge burn so i wasnt that comfortable (from the beach). I woke up did my running and then went over to dan's to record "some day". It sounds really good. Im more of the funky singing type so its hard to sing slow songs and keep a good straight sound. We had to do it over and over again. meh.... peni... (plural for penis).. so ya we finished that. hahah i call Andy "anal andy" . J/k andy i love you. and Dan is "drumstick dan". Dan your a scary old man... but i love you too. hahahah well yah.. so me and andy had planned to go do a photo shoot but i got in the car and my mom had found out i lost my camera and i got grounded (again). so yah. im grounded for the week. But....... Friday is my b-day and then i go to Alycias b-day (which you should come. its saturday, at 2 on 98 silver lake rd.) anyways, and then sunday i got to rins suprise b-day party. wooooo i have a huge weekend schedule. well im gonna go. I have ta watch the kids. have a super day all you peoples............