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Welcome To The Madness!!!!!!!!!

I Welcome you all to my page Lunar Eclipse. Those of you that have viewed this page before well I welcome you back. Now you first timers must be asking what the hell is this site anyways. Well its a collection of my mind and soul.. My artwork my labor my strife. Lunar eclipse started back in the early 90's as a mixed comic book by a few local artist's one of them in paticular helped me though my struggle of finding my personal style. That person was a close friend of mine and I wish I knew where he was. So if any of you out there know a person by the name of Ryan Theodores let him know his boy is trying to find him......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Back to the real subject here I have been struggling for years to find my inner peace in my artwork and till this day I still havent found it so if I've caught you intrest please read further.............................................................................................................................................................. Lunar Eclipse was the name of the book for the soul reason that it fit the artwork that was enclosed. You see a Lunar Eclipse has a specific beauty about it evan through its darkest points. I like to think of my artwork in this way........................................................................................................... Most people seem to judge my artwork as morbid,gothic or even sometimes Mad. "the only difference between a mad man and I is that im not mad" (Salvador Dali).......................................................................................................... I have taken quite a few years in my life to study the most recognized artist's and the most unrecognized. With each one that i have viewed I have taken a piece of there style with me. Some of these artist include H.R. Giger, Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Dave McKean, Aaron Bordner, Johnen Vasquez, M.C. Escher, Chuck Close, and last but not least Alex Gray........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ From time to time I will be updating this site as long as my dumb ass doesn't forget my username and password. so please frequent back I shall only get Bigger with time. I thank you all for you continued support and please feel free to comment on this page................................................................................................................................................................. Update: New Lunar Eclipse Best of the Best collection on private press from THe Beard himself. Copies are priced @ $5.00 if you wish to purchase please email me I will be adding pay pal soon................................................................................................................................................................. Update: New Lunar Eclipse Micro CD which has a music video created by the Beard Himself. These are free while supplies last so email me for those................................................................................................................................................................ Update: New Lunar Eclipse book in the works. I will be adding it online as time goes by.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Just for you all pirating bastards I will let you know that this whole site is copyrighted (c) as of 1996 so if you bitch asses think about stealing this I will have to murder you.

Take A look For Yourself!!!

Lunar Pictures 1
Lunar Pictures 2
Lunar Pictures 3
Lunar Pictures 4
Lunar Pictures 5
Lunar Pictures 6 *new*
Lunar Pictures 7 *new*
Lunar Stations 1(custom comps)
Lunar Stations 2
Lunar Stations 3
Visitor Pics 1
