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Lucid Dreams Studio

~ A.C.M. ~

This site is intended for a mature and (some what) professional audiences. If you have any questions/comments regarding anything you can contact me at



Work in progress!!! Thanx, have fun.... :)


Lucid Dreams Studio is a name my mother came up with a long time ago. She wanted to have an art studio to show and sell her artworks. I wish, more than almost anything that this dream would come true for her. That in the event that she passed on, someone other than her close friends and family would know her name. She would prove to them that she could be successful. That she could rise from a poverty stricken life just by trying her damnest and hanging on. We are tired of being the black sheep. But... We black sheep are unique! *Reminder: make that into a bumper sticker.*

And I have been kinda of annoyed with some people as of late. They keep telling me that the word "lucid" has something to do with drugs. Personally, I think they are confusing this with "lude" (short for quaalude). No matter what, I have to prove this point. Here is the definition for "lucid":


Main Entry: luˇcid

Pronunciation: 'lü-s&d

Function: adjective

Etymology: Latin lucidus, from lucEre

1 a : suffused with light : LUMINOUS b : TRANSLUCENT

2 : having full use of one's faculties : SANE

3 : clear to the understanding :


- luˇcidˇly adverb

- luˇcidˇness noun



Main Entry: 1dream

Pronunciation: 'drEm

Function: noun

Usage: often attributive

Etymology: Middle English dreem, from Old English drEam noise, joy, and Old Norse draumr dream; akin to Old High German troum dream.

1 : a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep -- compare REM SLEEP

2 : an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream: as a : a visionary creation of the imagination : DAYDREAM b : a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality : REVERIE c : an object seen in a dreamlike state : VISION

3 : something notable for its beauty, excellence, or enjoyable quality

4 a : a strongly desired goal or purpose b : something that fully satisfies a wish : IDEAL





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A Tribute to the Zone
~ A.C.M. ~