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Welcome to LSMAntiques

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This site is dedicated to my personal doll collection and will serve as a showcase, restoration tutorial, and fan base for all vintage dolls.

About me...

My love for Patti Playpal dolls began when I was a child, I got my first Patti for Christmas in 1959. She had long dark brown hair and a blue checkered dress. I don't remember what happened to her since then, but I have more than made up for her loss... ^.^

I started to become interested in, and seriously collect dolls in 2002. I had always been an avid antiquer and I found a doll which I thought might be worth some value. I really didn't know much about dolls at the time, so I started doing research, and suddenly my eyes were opened to the world of doll collecting. I instantly became hooked, and since 2002 I have more than 100 dolls in my personal collection.

My Collection

  • Patti Playpal
  • Peter Playpal
  • Penny Playpal
  • Suzie Playpal
  • Pattite Playpal
  • Bye Bye Baby
  • Saucy Walker
  • Miss Ideal
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  • Layout by: {Digital Essence}       LSMAntiques is a subdivision of: {Wickedlady4180} 2002 - 2006