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Basic Foot work page 2

      Passing step pg 3, Triangle step pg 4, Broken (stolen) step pg 4

Division of Man page 5

      Targets and goals pg5

Division of the Sword page 6

      Forte and foible pg 6, Long and short edge pg 6, inside and outside flat pg 6

      Hilt pg 7, grip pg 7

Three Stages of a fight pg 8

      Onset, handwork, and withdrawal pg 8, Distance pg 8,

       Illustrations of distance Meyer E, M, O pg 9, Tactics pg 10, training pg 11

Strikes pg 11

       Principle strikes pg 11, Turned or secondary strikes, pg11

       Master Strikes pg 11

           Over strike pg 11, wrath strike pg 11, thwart strike 12, squinting (glancing) strike pg 13, Bent strike pg 14

Guards pg 15

        Offensive pg 16, Roof pg 16, Fool pg 16, wrath pg 16,

        Defensive pg 17, ox pg 17, plow pg 18

        Other Guards pg 18

Displacements pg 23

        Parries pg 23 Over/ fool pg 23, thwart/ roof pg 23, squinter (glancer)/ plow pg 23 bent/ ox pg 23

How one shall fence the four openings pg 24

The 8 windings and 4 hangings pg 28

        The four hangings pg 28, the eight windings pg 29

Handwork pg 30

        Defenses pg 30, stepping out pg 30, evading pg 30, parrying pg 30, catching, setting off pg 30,

        Counter cutting pg 30, slicing off pg 31, binding pg 31, hanging pg 31, sliding pg 31,

        Crown pg 31, deceiving pg 32, pulling pg 32, running off pg 32, failing pg 32, flitting pg 32,

        Doubling pg 32, transmuting pg 32, snapping around pg 32, circle pg 32,

        Changing; changing thru; going through pg 32, rose pg 32, looping pg 32

   Controlling Maneuvers pg 33

        Wrenching pg 33, barring; crossing over; shooting over pg 33

   Slicing maneuvers pg 33

        Slicing pg 34, pressing the hands pg 33, blocking pg 33

   Close quarters maneuvers pg 34

        Half sword pg 34, catching over pg 34, running in pg 34

   Miscellaneous maneuvers pg 35

        Outside taking pg 35, chasing pg 35, winding pg 35, winding through pg 35 gripping over pg 35

        Slinging pg 35, cutting away pg 35