Llemo Lleyo


WOW! over a year and this is still here.. Im sorry I havent dont anything to this.. but.. I havent done anything.. haha.. Peace out.. Bob

Hey EVERYONE! Its like May 27th, 2003, and we havent touched this website in like forever.. Basically, after I threw Akshay into a wall twice and smashed his head into his bed frame.. he doesnt seem to like me any more.. haha.. if you really wanna know why that happened.. Click the email link at that bottom.. As for the songs.. still the same old stuff.. I have a parody version of Mony Mony.. just gotta record it.. I wish I could get with Sean, so I had a guitarist and help singing.. but.. I'll probably just make something up.. haha.. So I'll try to keep on it.. find some way to record it and what not.. Until then.. So long, and thanks for all the fish. NARF!

So its August 17th.. I still havent done anything to the site, but I did go to Sweden with the Marching Knights.. I have to say.. that was so Awesome.. if anyone has a chance to go.. go.. the only thing you have to do, is prepare yourself for eating reindeer.. cause they eat reindeer like we eat cows.. Its got a different flavor then deer.. but its eatable.. I didnt enjoy it cold.. but *shrugs* it was different.. Now that Im back to UCF... I should have a lil extra time to do some stuff.. Hopefully I can write a new song, if not, I can put something on here that people will enjoy.. hehe
Until next time..
Peace out,

Meet the Band


Songs that we've recorded.

This song was written about an Ex-girlfriend of one of ours. We thought it was funny, so we recorded it, and now its on here..

This song we sang about Akshay's experience with the attempted flushing of a condom down a toilet...

This song we got from a poem. Good stuff...

Written for Daq, Yeet, and the Bear.. Love Bob ;-)

Need the lyrics?? Click HERE for the Lyrics!

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Got Someone you would like a song made up about?? Give us a name and a idea, and we'll work on it!

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