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My Art!

Hey guys, I've had a couple of you ask to see some of my artwork, so here it is! I've lumped it all into difforent groups so it's easier on you (gee, aren't I nice?). There's original art, or stuff that I've come up with on my own, fan art, which is artwork I've done based on someone else's work, and then the cartoons.

Guys, I ask that you don't take my art from this site (or at least email me and ask first). I've slaved over these and so stealing isn't the way to go. Well, you can save it to your computer only if you want to look at it whenever :) Just don't post it on your own sites!!!

If you have a slower computer, next to each sub category is the "text link" option, so you can look at the artwork without all the thumbnails taking a century to load up.

Oh, and I desperately need a better title...this one is so lame! Please let me know what you think too! Positive or negative, but if you have critisism be nice about it! That's what the nifty little guestbook thing is for so get in there and sign it! (put some effort forward and put something in the "better title" section cause I could use your help!) Thanks for dropping in, I'll update as I do more work. Bye!

Original Art
Fan Art
Other Pics
About Me

If you really have the desire to contact me, go for it! My AOL s/n is pirotess133 or PenguinBiteMe. I have MSN messenger too ( and my Yahoo! messenger is avienda_wota.

June 15, 2003: Added a page about myself for those of you who care, and also the links page. I'll add more to that as I can.

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