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Location case study: island Rab, Croatia - Visual Tourism Research

- devastation of the landscape, cultural heritage without heir
- tourism impacts and challanges, few charactgeristics of the turistic building;
- seaside construction on terrains with easy access, oftenly in fields
- dying of the historical towns, popularity of the new settlements
- individual building; disappearing of traditional roofs ( "kupe"), appearance of 4 confluence roofs, cheep material usage; most common concrete, balkonies constructed in simple concrete deck, metal fences, plastic windows, typical unbalanced add ons on the houses, copycat models
- unproportional construction and installation of the infrastructure; problematic public illumination, setting up of electric, telephone wires, fuse plants, variouse antennas,  air conditioning exterior units etc..
- old seaside towns - museums without residents, cultural sanctuary trend

Keywords:  culture, society, cultural heritage, cultural identity, global culture, tourism, travel industry, industrial design, visual, sociology,  anthropology, cultural impacts from foreign tourism

Touristificated Mediterranean, Croatian Adriatic Islands; Sustainable and non-sustainable Development-Practices, Management and development policies, Impacts

ADRIATIC IDENTITY - coast under construction - development explosion

Homogeneity of touristic landscapes

Photos above are a fine illustration of the results of the total utilitarian society in which the individuals as well as the communities live with an egoistic atitude, acting on the behalf of short-term profit and dedicate themselves to the production or to the consumption of dubious utilitarian goods but high exhaustion of limited natural resources.

Other examples on the Adriatic coast;
- riviera Porec, Umag, in Pula, Makarska,  Babin kuk in Dubrovnik, ....




Rab beginning 20 ct.

Rab - beginning 21 ct.


San Marino 1970'ties

San Marino Lopar 2000

photographs covering period 1950-ties to 20005

 KURTAXE eg. tourist tax eg. tassa di sogiorno
 German Kur =Healing

This was 1st introduced in 1909 with the founding of the "Seaside bathing & healing resort- Rab" ( an austrian fundation of the industrialists who intended to use this then sort of club-tax for bettering of the destination) . This was then copied in socialist era as sort of additional communal tax for the destination as well as the state. It is collected to present days  ( EUR 1 per person/ day).
This money is poorly managed, mostly missused.

sports playground

hand made

Local community always finds good uses for the tourist tax, you will get more parking places, bigger shops, better services in marina, more telecommunication towers, more asphalted roads, maybe an airport, your hosts will get flowers for their balconies to make your stay ever more pleasant...

this is a good way to fill the communal budget through such stall renting. don't get fooled, this people sell at more expensive prices than local shops

luuv the town lights

most of this is imported goods ( made in china) or not hand made as usually sold for..

Middle East? No, mediterranean Europe.
Mum will come later with a Nissan caravan to pic up the stall.. 
What is the social service doing? What are these kids trained for?

Interiors of sacral museum in St. Justine are falling apart.
"closed until further notice"

ps. Rab does not have communal Native museum
just sacral collections and Lapidarium 
( small repository for historical remains)

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let's start the romantic stroll: --->>>
ps. note the lamp

unappropriate advertising intervention on the 
historical palace, similar to many anthena, 
air-conditioning, plastic windows, etc. 
that can be seen in the principal street in the town kern 

Archer's tournament - 'revived traditions'
- most common event experience; crowds, bystander spectator 

St. Christopher's square, summer

St. Christopher's square, spring 

  suveniers for just any place
 - flood of the desultory souveniers and juwerly makers
most of whom just resell import junk products
( market globalisation?... )

urban housing
sadly enough, private houses are becoming of the similar proportions and styles

Cash& Carry turn - how symbolical, moreover when you see the environment there...

again pedestrian zone with some merchandise on the spot along the way

'balkan alla carte' trade show

modern adriatic architecture and sense for public space

find my Agency if you can. season 2006
Any suggestions for advertising?

same space another angle few years before

' pedestrian zone & commercial centre'
chaos at the suburb; illegal fruit stalls with sun-umbrellas that fall on people when it blows

Modern adriatic architecture and sense for public space

Modern architecture 2
( pay attention to add-ons enlargements at the fronts, as the inventive idea for growth of business space )
Lead- fruits at the ACTION price!

"Unrecognisable landscapes"
- i was shocked when shooting this one - this is not the village from my childhood and it has passed only 30 and something...

parking by the 'super-store'

scenic view

Sport ground, probably The One that generations of Rab youth have been waiting for...
I was a schoolgirl when the discussion about school sports hall was going on, this is what is done.

nice example of the intervetnion on the building and excessive expansion, with a simbolic name municipium ( see latin)

Bus- station that is so cleverly projected that a bus has to drive backwards to leave it!


Remember the Prayer; as on Heaven so on Earth?
They are not mirroring any more. Or? - Is it in the eye of the beholder?

Noise:: Mobile communications music campaign on the parking lot! 

TV here TV there

KASSE: don't ask me what that means in croatian

We love cars and would never leave a car without a parking spot

'small mediteranean town' - typical landscape

change impressions of Rab now & here

more on suburbs --->

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 Š KM 2004
Rab with a different impression