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Last Update 8/13/2019

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Current Notes 8/9/19 Lesson 10

Lesson #10 Series # 463 8/13/2019 2Thes 2:7
I. Satan and Demon Possession:
A. Demon possession happens to the unbeliever
1. Demons cannot have sexual intercourse with humans which was cut off at the flood.
2. The most demons can do today is to possess the bodies of the unbeliever under certain conditions.
B. This does not occur in those born again.
1. Unfortunately and tragically many believers have become involved with Holy Rollers and have very given little time to understand Bible Doctrine and a few have come out saying that believers can be demon possessed but this is in error.
2. Believers can and frequently are under demon influence as a result of the MANY things which can lead to reversionism.
C. Demon Influence of Believers
1. Begins with reactor factors of:
i. Discouragement
ii. Boredom
iii. Disillusion
iv. Self Pity
v. Loneliness
vi. Frustration
vii. Jealousy
viii. Bitterness
ix. Being Gilted
2. These Reactor factors cause a Frantic Search for happiness
3. The Frantic Search for happiness begins an intensification of the reaction initially engaged in called Operation Boomerang
4. The Frantic Search for happiness causes Emotional Revolt of the Soul
i. Emotional Revolt of the Soul comes very quickly when the Frantic Search for happiness results in the believer becoming involved in some sect such as the holy rollers, tongues movement, etc.
ii. This Emotional Revolt of the Soul always intensifies even more the reaction which initially caused this decline.
a. With the intensification of reactor factors there is some form of intense Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine locking the believer into Negative Volition as a result of the development of:
i ) Apathy
ii ) Rejection
iii ) Indifference
iv ) Hostility
5. This locked in Negative Volition results in opening the vacuum in the soul causing Blackout of the Soul.
i. This vacuum suck in satanic or demon doctrine into the Right Lobe of the soul pushing all Metabolized Bible Doctrine out of the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.
a. This is the DEMON INFLUENCE 1Cor 10 drinking the cup of demons.
ii. The Emotional Revolt of the Soul shuts down the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul resulting in “erasure” of all Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe so that all that remains is what is in the Left Lobe of the Soul as academic knowledge.
iii. The Blackout of the Soul with the vacuum causes doctrine of demons to enter the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul replacing all Metabolized Bible Doctrine which was in the soul so that the believer looks at life from the satanic viewpoint or Human Viewpoint instead of the Divine Viewpoint.
iv. This is Demon Influence
D. In 2Thes 2:6 this person is not under demon influence or demon possession but is Satan possessed as was Judas Iscariot.
1. This man will not be revealed until the Church Age ends with the rapture of the Royal Family of God.
2. However once revealed this man will seize power in western Europe and have great political power there and simultaneously have great religious power being ruler of the tribulational ecumenical religion.
3. This man of lawlessness receives disclosure through the working of Satan and it is god’s purpose to prevent revelation of this man until the end of the Church Age and the tribulation has begun.
II. The mystery of Lawlessness
A. (gr) Musterion == transliterated Mystery
1. Defined from (gr) Mustes refers to a Greek fraternity initiate in the ancient world and these were related to Greek religion.
i. They had every year their “rebound” and they did this by watching Drama which stimulated their souls and this started with these fraternities.
2. The first was the fraternity of Dianisis the God of Wine and therefore during their meeting they drank a lot and this inspired them to get up before the group and recite poetry and perform little one act plays.
i. These were so good in their opinion they then went through the streets of their own cities doing these things.
3. The people of the towns were so impressed they decided to do this once a year as an act of cleansing.
i. In order to do this they formalized things a little and they found writers who spent all their time writing these plays they called Tragedies.
4. They would always pick a recognized Greek hero such as Hercules and do a 3 act drama about him.
i. Act I established him as a great hero and toward the end of this first act they would bring out his Tragic Flaw.
ii. Act II developed the drama so that his tragic flaw would come into operation and be fulfilled at the end of this act.
iii. Act III took the hero upon returning to his home and thereupon being destroyed.
5. This appealed to the emotion of the Greeks and the tragedies were the basis for cleansing and purifying themselves.
6. These dramas have come down in history to us and in fact is the whole basis for Drama today.
i. In their time there was a stage built and a semi circular auditorium outdoors and they would hold these events for 3 days.
ii. The concept of these dramas was the everyone, no matter how great he is, has a tragic flaw and if his tragic flaw is not controlled carefully he will eventually have a tragic life and destroy all of his happiness and success.
7. This all started with Musterion and this does not mean what our mysteries demonstrate today in a “who done it”.
8. (gr) verb Mueo == to initiate or instruct in secret doctrines of a fraternity much of which came out in the dramas.
i. Each of these fraternities had secret doctrines and they were only to be known by those initiated into the fraternity.
ii. The initiates did not have to go through “hell week” but was a very serious thing in learning a lot of doctrine related to Life and Religion in the study of their gods etc.
9. The concept of Musterion therefore comes to mean Doctrines which only someone inside the fraternity can understand.
i. The real connotation of “Mystery” used in scripture is the Doctrine or secrets known only to the initiates.
ii. Jesus used this in Matt 13:11, Mk 4:10-11 as something the disciples could understand being on the inside but that people on the outside (unbelievers) could not understand.
C. Mystery Doctrine of the Church Age was not ever revealed in the Old Testament Scripture
1. Therefore the church or Royal Family of God is the only group which understands these doctrines and are initiated into this “fraternity” of understanding Church Age doctrine. Rom 16:25-26, Col 1:26-27
2. These 2 passages are pivotal in understanding the Word of God because no matter how much they knew or how much Bible Doctrine they were given in the Old Testament Scripture times, whether Moses, Jeremiah, Elijah, Isaiah, they had no cognizance of how the Age of Israel would be interrupted by the Church Age.
3. The first person to ever reveal any Church Age doctrine was The Lord Jesus, The Christ who comes under the title of Prophet.
i. In his humanity The Lord Jesus, The Christ is prophet, priest and king and this is his prophet functioning.
4. The mystery concerns specifically how the Church Age begins with the Baptism of God the Holy Spirit.
i. This had never happened in all of Human History before that time.
5. Under the Baptism of God the Holy Spirit, God the Holy Spirit took a group of believers in Jerusalem and entered them into union with The Lord Jesus, The Christ.
i. This set the precedent for the dispensation of the Church Age and from then on at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through faith alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone God the Holy Spirit put every believer into union with The Lord Jesus, The Christ ONLY FOR THE Church Age.
6. Therefore the basic concept of the mystery involved the Baptism of God the Holy Spirit the beginning of the Church Age.
i. The Lord Jesus, The Christ announced this to his disciples a few days before the Church Age began.
7. After the Church Age began the epistles of the New Testament Scripture were produced which contain all the mystery doctrines of the Church Age.
i. Ephesians more than any other book which clearly summarizes and declares what every believer MUST know for this dispensation and without which no believer can properly function in this dispensation.
ii. This book must be understood in order for the believer to understand and orient to why he is here.
iii. The doctrines here relate to Super Grace, the Angelic Conflict, Reversionism, and nothing is more important than this.
iv. Therefore Ephesians and Colossians are the 2 primary mystery books of the New Testament Scripture.
D. Part of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age includes the blindness or hardness of Israel during the Church Age.
1. This is Israel as a whole though there will always be a select few from Israel who will be saved and part of the Royal Family of God.
2. Israel is under the 5th cycle of Divine Discipline with hardness of heard in reversionism Rom 11:25
3. This explains something of the function of Israel in the Church Age though there will always be a remnant of Israel saved and part of the Royal Family of God in the Church Age.
E. The mystery as Church Age doctrine was part of the Divine Decree from Eternity Past 1Cor 2:7
F. The pastor is responsible for communication of church age mystery doctrine as steward of the mystery. 1Cor 4:1
1. All Pastor Teachers must teach Church Age doctrine but not to exclude other things.
2. Every pastor must start his ministry by orienting the congregation to the dispensation in which they live.
i. Col, Eph, Heb, 1Cor, 2Cor, ETC.
3. Until believers understand Ephesians they are suckers for every apostasy which can come along and this is the ORIENTATION BOOK of the word of God..
4. Ephesians should be like close order drill.
5. Other parts of scripture can come later after proper orientation to the current dispensation.
G. The rapture of the church is part of the mystery doctrine 1Cor 15:51
1. This does not belong to the Age of Israel therefore THERE IS NO TEACHING OF THE RAPTURE IN THE BOOK OF MATTHEW “2 in the field 1 is taken one is left” is not about the rapture.
i. This is a 2nd advent passage where the one left is the believer going into the millennium and the one taken is cast off the earth and thrown into fire in the baptism of fire.
ii. Not only are demons thrown off the earth at the 2nd advent of The Lord Jesus, The Christ but also all unbelievers as well.
2. In the rapture the believers are taken to be with the Lord and receive their Resurrection Body and decorations or rewards.
3. In the rapture the unbeliever stays behind for the tribulation and he can and will be evangelized during that period.
4. Matthew, Mark, Like do not deal with the Church and Church Age doctrine at all.
i. There is no Church Age truths in the synoptic gospels and this helps with interpretation and is a major hermeneutical principle.
ii. When you study these books everything pertains to the Age of Israel and relates to the Age of Israel including sacrifices and the Mosaic Law etc.
5. The only Church Age truth and mystery doctrine found in the synoptic gospels is found in John 14-18
i. The upper room and Gethsemane discourses.
ii. This is The Lord Jesus, The Christ fulfilling his office as prophet announcing ahead of time something about the Church Age.
H. Mystery Doctrine is always related to the Church Age Eph 1:9, 3:2
1. Mystery therefore only connotes “what is going on, what is new, What is it all about”.
I. Mystery doctrine is understood through the proper function of the Grace Apparatus for Perception Col 2:2, 1Tim 3:9
J. Mystery doctrine pertains only to the Church Age Eph 3:1-5, Rom 16:25-26, Col 1:25-26
1. The gospel is not a mystery and was well known in Old Testament Scripture times
i. The Death, Burial, Resurrection and Ascension of The Lord Jesus, The Christ was not a mystery to the Old Testament Scripture believers.
2. The strategic victory of The Lord Jesus, The Christ belongs to the Age of Israel is therefore was not a mystery doctrine.
i. The fact that The Lord Jesus, The Christ died a Substitutionary Spiritual Death for all human sins was clearly taught in the Old Testament Scripture Is, Gen 3, etc.
a. This was known from the beginning of man’s fall onward in history.
b. It was prophesied and clearly declared throughout the Old Testament Scripture through the tabernacle, holy days, Leviticus offerings, and the whole Modus Operandi of the Leviticus priesthood.
ii. In both Isaiah the Daniel the death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ is clearly and beautifully declared.
iii. His session at the right hand of God the Father is declared in the psalms and elsewhere Ps 110:1, Ps 2, etc.
3. This all occurred through the dispensation of Israel and was not a part of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.
4. It is important to understand the the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross is often related to being in the Church Age but in fact it occurred in the Age of Israel.
5. The Church Age did not begin until 50 days after his resurrection.
i. The Lord Jesus, The Christ stayed on the earth 40 days after his resurrection in Resurrection Body.
ii. 10 days after his ascension the Church Age began.
iii. Therefore there is no MYSTERY aspect to the gospel at all.
K. The mystery is the body of Bible Doctrine which pertains to the Church Age and was hidden from Old Testament Scripture writers and is now revealed in the New Testament Scripture epistles. Eph 1:9, 1Cor 15:51, Eph 3:1-6, 5:32, Col 2:2, 1Tim 3:16, Rev 1:20
III. The mystery of Lawlessness:
A. v3 had the Man of Lawlessness who is to be the dictator of the Revived Roman Empire when the Age of Israel resumes and is an outstanding tribulational personality not to be revealed until the Church Age ends and the tribulation begins.
B. The mystery of lawlessness is functioning in the Church Age and is the intensification of the Angelic Conflict for the Church Age.
C. The mystery of lawlessness has several parts:
1. From Gen 3:15 – the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross, his resurrection and ascension, The Lord Jesus, The Christ one way or another was always the target of Satan in the Angelic Conflict
i. Throughout the entire Age of Israel especially on the lineage of The Lord Jesus, The Christ.
a. Abraham
b. Isaac
c. Jacob
d. Tribe of Judah
e. Constant Attacks during the monarchy and divided monarchy
f. In the flesh the concentrated attacks against The Lord Jesus, The Christ were in fact intensified.
2. Once we have the resurrection, ascension and session of The Lord Jesus, The Christ at the right hand of God the Father the primary attacks by Satan are upon those who represent The Lord Jesus, The Christ on this earth in the Church Age.
i. Every believer in the Church Age represents The Lord Jesus, The Christ to the world here.
ii. No one was appointed as ambassador for Christ until the strategic victory of The Lord Jesus, The Christ in the Angelic Conflict.
iii. Ambassadorship only begins with this strategic victory of The Lord Jesus, The Christ.
iv. The Tactical Victory of the Angelic Conflict finds every believer who accomplishes this as:
a. Ambassador of The Lord Jesus, The Christ representing him on earth
b. Priest representing self to God.
c. These put together give us the 2 aspects of our full time Christian service.
d. The Priesthood comes first representing self to God until reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super Grace where the NORMAL function of our priesthood begins to function.
e. ONCE the Royal Priesthood functions in the normal way and GOD starts to POUR into the resident cup of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in our Stream of Consciousness of the Soul blessings of super grace in 4 categories for time and then at that time the ambassadorship comes into focus and begins to function.
f. This is the tactical victory of the Angelic Conflict.
v. The function of the royal priesthood takes you to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super Grace and its resultant blessings.
vi. There is no “NORMAL” function of the Royal Priesthood until you reach Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God with its Occupation with the Celebrityship and Person of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ blessing.
a. At this point having achieved Super Grace capacity God is then able to pour fantastic blessings which glorify God who makes you wealthy, promotes you, makes you spiritually stable, etc., in the world ruled by Satan.
b. Many of these areas of prosperity given at Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super Grace are in fields defined by Satan and where prosperity given by him is associated.
vii. This prosperity is given totally apart from anything and everything Satan can do to oppose it since every believer is a target for Satan in the Church Age of the Angelic Conflict.
a. In this Church Age God has found a way in grace through Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super Grace capacity to give you things designed for you in Eternity Past.
viii. The fallacy perpetrated by fundamentalist Christianity is found in the Phrase “suffering for Jesus” which does not glorify The Lord Jesus, The Christ.
a. This is a phrase used to disguise or gloss over Divine Discipline provided for the believer in some stage of reversionism.
ix. God is glorified by blessing you in time and it is his desire that every believer be blessed in some way comparable with the day in which he lives and other circumstances of history.
a. God promotes, enriches, provides Right Man or Right Woman, sexual and social prosperity for the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super Grace.
b. Super Grace believers are, unfortunately very rare, because they are created out of consistent DAILY Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine under the Grace Apparatus for Perception to accumulate Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.
x. The tactical victory of the Angelic Conflict is God vindicating his word in the SOUL of the believer who has reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super Grace.
a. Attitude toward Bible Doctrine is the entire issue in this process and nothing else.
3. The mystery of lawlessness IS the intensification of the Angelic Conflict in the Church Age and includes:
i. Universal Priesthood of the believer
a. Functions throughout the Spiritual Life of the Church Age believer but becomes normal in function upon reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super Grace.
ii. Universal Ambassadorship of every believer to be fulfilled upon reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super Grace.
i ) We can only represent The Lord Jesus, The Christ when we reach the Status Quo of The Lord Jesus, The Christ when he was at the beginning of his public ministry John 1:14, ie. Super Grace.
iii. The Tactical Victory of the Angelic Conflict in the Super Grace Life resulting from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.
a. Our entire purpose for remaining alive after Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God is to GLORIFY GOD by being blessed by him after having reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and developed Super Grace capacity for blessing.
iv. Grace Apparatus for Perception for ability and mechanics of Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.
v. Angelic Conflict emphasizing operation footstool.
vi. The Intensification of the Angelic Conflict in the Church Age is the age of tactical victory of the Angelic Conflict.
a. This is a unique dispensation with every believer being the target of Satan.
b. Satan has many ways to neutralize believers in this dispensation.
c. The tribulation has many historical disasters at the end of the Age of Israel but it does not compare with the intensity of the Angelic Conflict in the Church Age.
4. Our concern is not with the Man of lawlessness knowing about him and his function but with the principle or mystery of lawlessness in the intensified Angelic Conflict the time in which we live.
i. Our ability to orient to this time revolves around our understanding that we are not a “layman” but in full time Christian service.
ii. Our primary objective in the Royal Family of God is to engage in Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and Grace Apparatus for Perception until and through reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super Grace giving us the tactical victory in the Angelic Conflict which goes with the strategic victory of the Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross, the resurrection, ascension and session of The Lord Jesus, The Christ.
D. This passage is not designed to emphasize who is the to be the dictator of the Revived Roman Empire but to emphasize that the system which puts him on top of everything in the world is FUNCTIONING NOW.
1. People therefore miss what this book of 2nd Thessalonians is all about.
2. The Church Age is the age of the devil functioning in the intensification of the Angelic Conflict called “Lawlessness”
3. This is called the mystery of Lawlessness which is NOT hidden from us but in fact well understood by anyone who has studied Eph and Heb.
4. In addition coming up is the Antichrist and this stimulates the believer to no end and it is very Weird for believers to even be interested in these tribulational and millennial passages over all else in the bible because they will not even be here and know nothing about their own dispensation.
5. This Church Age is the age of the Royal Family of God and the intensification of the Angelic Conflict and very few believers are prepared for any of this just as in 1775 less than 1% of the men in the colonies stayed in service throughout the first war for independence.
6. This is the history of the military function in the United States of America in all of its history.
i. Our military has always been subdued by civilians who work very hard to keep them under the thumb in order to prevent them becoming dictatorial.
ii. This is what will destroy us and drive us out of history totally.
E. Lawlessness is the satanic attack in 2 areas in the Church Age:
1. Bible Doctrine through religion and reversionism
2. Laws of Divine Establishment through revolution, social action, socialism
3. These are the 2 greatest enemies which Satan uses under lawlessness and many believers will be caught up in these things.
F. We have this intensification of this Angelic Conflict and satanic attacks in this Church Age NOW in our time in this life:
1. We have almost completely turned the United States of America over to communism in the past and now are allowing islam to move in and begin to infiltrate all aspects of our government and Law Enforcement under the principle of Revolution
2. Human Good is a drive of Satan through political and religious internationalism with its social action, bleeding heart liberalism.
3. Removal of the church and restraint of God the Holy Spirit at the end of the Church Age will be the beginning of great apostasy in the tribulation.
4. Lawlessness is now operational through revolution, religion, and the byproducts of both.
G. The only hope of recovery is for believers to reach Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super Grace.

This is the best I can do at this time!

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