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The Dark Dragon Project

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Hey, hey, hey!
Posted 2 sketchs i did awhile back, you can see them here. In other news. . .I'll be opening a new section to this site next week and i need your help! That's right, the guest art section will be open soon and i still need more art from you all in cyberspace. If you want your art on The K.R.A, e-mail me at the address below. Please title your e-mail "Guest Art" or I probably won't open it. Thanks- -nick


Sorry about the lack of updates on The K.R.A. The Mans' been keep'en me down!!! Other than worken for The Man, I've been busy designing characters for an upcoming graphic novel by my friend Miguel Alvarez, and trying to get money for this art school im going to. It's a cool place near by called The Creative Center. I've already been excepted, now i just need to worry about other expenses. Anyway theirs 3 new sketchs in the sketch gallery. Well back to The Man's world . . . laters - -nick


New pic in the color gallery Much more to come this month, so keep a look out. 'till next time - -nick